
TensorFlow implementation of 'A simple neural network module for relational reasoning' for bAbi task.

Primary LanguagePython

Relation Network hb-research

TensorFlow implementation of A simple neural network module for relational reasoning for bAbi task.


  • image: A Simple Neural Network Module for Relational Reasoning Slides by Xiadong Gu


Project Structure

init Project by hb-base

├── config                  # Config files (.yml, .json) using with hb-config
├── data                    # dataset path
├── notebooks               # Prototyping with numpy or tf.interactivesession
├── relation_network        # relation network architecture graphs (from input to logits)
    ├── __init__.py             # Graph logic
    ├── encoder.py              # Encoder
    └── relation.py             # RN Module
├── data_loader.py          # raw_date -> precossed_data -> generate_batch (using Dataset)
├── hook.py                 # training or test hook feature (eg. print_variables)
├── main.py                 # define experiment_fn
└── model.py                # define EstimatorSpec

Reference : hb-config, Dataset, experiments_fn, EstimatorSpec


  • model was trained on the joint version of bAbI (all 20 tasks simultaneously), using the full dataset of 10K examples per task. (paper experiments)


Can control all Experimental environment.

example: bAbi_task1.yml

  base_path: 'data/'
  task_path: 'en-10k/'
  task_id: 1
  PAD_ID: 0

  batch_size: 64
  use_pretrained: false             # (true or false)
  embed_dim: 32                     # if use_pretrained: only available 50, 100, 200, 300
  encoder_type: uni                 # uni, bi
  cell_type: lstm                    # lstm, gru, layer_norm_lstm, nas
  num_layers: 1
  num_units: 32
  dropout: 0.5

    - 64
    - 64
    - 64
    - 64
    - 64
    - 128

  learning_rate: 0.00003
  optimizer: 'Adam'                # Adagrad, Adam, Ftrl, Momentum, RMSProp, SGD

  train_steps: 200000
  model_dir: 'logs/bAbi_task1'

  save_checkpoints_steps: 1000
  check_hook_n_iter: 1000
  min_eval_frequency: 1

  print_verbose: False
  debug: False

  webhook_url: ""                  # after training notify you using slack-webhook
  • debug mode : using tfdbg


Install requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, prepare dataset.

sh scripts/fetch_babi_data.sh

Finally, start train and evaluate model

python main.py --config bAbi_task1 --mode train_and_evaluate

Experiments modes

✅ : Working
◽ : Not tested yet.

  • evaluate : Evaluate on the evaluation data.
  • extend_train_hooks : Extends the hooks for training.
  • reset_export_strategies : Resets the export strategies with the new_export_strategies.
  • run_std_server : Starts a TensorFlow server and joins the serving thread.
  • test : Tests training, evaluating and exporting the estimator for a single step.
  • train : Fit the estimator using the training data.
  • train_and_evaluate : Interleaves training and evaluation.


tensorboard --logdir logs

  • bAbi_task1




Dongjun Lee (humanbrain.djlee@gmail.com)