
work journal script

Primary LanguageShell

wj // work journal

This is a small shell script for keeping track of time spent on different tasks or projects, with time resolution in minutes.

Running the script with option -h should give enough information for its use. It will install an empty work journal file on first start.

file structure

The work journal file normally is named $HOME/.wjcounters and has the following structure:

# comments
-total-	0	0	# TOTAL
cntr	123	0	# counter description

Lines not starting with # are counter lines, with fields separated by (^I).

  • The first field is the counter index/name (only reasonable characters are allowed; your best bet is to use the set 0-9a-zA-Z- only); it must be unique.
  • The second field is the number of minutes the counter has been running already.
  • The third field contains the number of minutes since epoch (normally January 1, 1970) if the counter has been started, or 0 if it is currently stopped.
  • The fourth field must be preceded with # if present, and contains the description of the counter.

The journal file normally contains a counter named -total- which is started whenever any counter is started, and stopped when all counters are stopped. It therefore contains the total time journalling has been used. (This name has been chosen because it is difficult to enter as an argument.)

environment variables

  • WJCOUNTERS : alternative file name instead of $HOME/.wjcounters
  • HOST : hostname that will be reported in the comments section as host of last modification; if unset, the output of hostname will be used
  • VISUAL, EDITOR : used as editor (VISUAL takes precedence); if unset, /bin/ed -p: will be used

used/necessary command line tools

The script needs the common command line tools date, tr, sed, grep, cat to be available and working in the usual POSIX manner.

old-wj.pl is here for historical reasons: Initially, I used a Perl version of the script, but I don't maintain it any longer.

(2019-9-27 / Y.Bonetti)