
Windows Server Update Services to telegraf - influxdb - grafana

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Windows Server Update Services - Importing this to Grafana

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Thank you for taking the time and looking at this script. This script lies within your Windows Server Update Management box, and the script is executed by telegraf service to input the data into grafana, via influxdb.


  • Grafana
  • Telegraf v1.5 running on the server
  • WSUS Server - Running 2012 R2
  • PoshWSUS Module
  • Script to run locally on the WSUS Server


Special Thanks

This script wouldn't have been possible without the PoshWSUS module and also Jorge de la Cruz for his veeam-grafana script in which I was able to template my work on.

Features of the Script

  • Gathers Client information gives a count on each
  • Provides Update information and count on each (Critical/Updates/Services Packs)
  • Provides informaton on how many machines require updates, reboots, failed updates


Please read the installation documention on how to install this script

Feature Requests & Contribute

Please feel free to request any additional features and if you wish to contribute I am more than happy for that to happen.