
A simple Laravel project for real time chatting between the users and admin

Primary LanguagePHP

Live chat between users and the admin

DEMO - File Sharing

⚙️ Used Technologies

💅 FrontEnd : Css, Bootstrap

🛠 Backend : Laravel 8, Livewire

💾 Database : MySql

☁️ Deployment : Github

To run this project make sure you ran these commands

composer install

copy .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

php artisan migrate

php artisan serve --port=3000

php artisan storage:link

now you can visit localhost:3000 and see the project

To generate users, admin and messages, run this command
php artisan db:seed the password of the whole generated users is password

📷 Screenshots


Updates (Users and admins can send files)


  • Show offline status
  • ✔️ Sending messages including files (Updated 09/04/2021)

I hope you enjoy it!