
A blog where users can sign up and start writing articles and sharing them.

Primary LanguageBlade

A multi users blog built with Laravel 8

⚙️ Used Technologies

💅 FrontEnd : Js, Css, Bootstrap

🛠 Backend : Laravel 8

💾 Database : MySql

☁️ Deployment : Github

To run this project make sure you ran these commands

composer install

copy .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

php artisan migrate

php artisan serve --port=3000

now you can visit localhost:3000 and see the project

To generate users, categories, posts and comments, run this command (images cannot be generated if the http://lorempixel.com/ is down)
php artisan db:seed the password of the whole generated users is password

📷 Screenshots


Create Post

Authors Page

Single Post Page

Comments Section On the single post page

Posts Managing

Profile Page

Settings Page

to see this page you should enter your password first

Search Page