
WIP Basic implementation of benjamine/jsondiffpatch in golang

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fastest: Mutexes with groups (60 elements)

Time: 0.22s

Slowest: Node.js

Time: 1.19s

⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on master ⨯ make benchmark-node
node benchmarks/node/main.js
Tries: 100
Time: 1190951 (micro secs)
Single thread
⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on master ⨯ make benchmark-go
Tries: 100
Time: 311535 (micro secs)
⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on feature/shared-mem ⨯ make benchmark-go
Tries: 100
Time: 557361 (micro secs)
⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on feature/channels ⨯ make benchmark-go
Tries: 100
Time: 846924 (micro secs)
Mutexes with groups

8 elements

⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on feature/shared-mem-groups ⨯ make benchmark-go
Tries: 100
Time: 407660 (micro secs)

60 elements

⋊> ~/w/go-jsondiffpatch on feature/shared-mem-groups ⨯ make benchmark-go
Tries: 100
Time: 223018 (micro secs)