
Plantuml server with hot reload

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Plantuml server with hot-reload.

Minimalist node application setup with React and Websocket, using Babel and ESLint.


# Start with en empty or existing puml file.
touch diagram.puml

# Run the server from docker-hub.
docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/diagram.puml:/app/diagrams/main.puml creack/plantuml-hot-loader

Run with node

Running with node requries to have java and node installed as well as the plantuml jar locally. See the .nvmrc / Dockerfile for the node version.

By default, it is expected to be in the local directory, but can be set using the PLANTUML_JAR environment variable.

yarn start

Run in docker

The dockerfile installs the expected version of node, java and planuml.

# Build the image.
docker build -t plantuml-hot-loader .

# With just diagrams hot-loading, the rest being static.
docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/diagrams:/app/diagrams plantuml-hot-loader

# With the diagrams and the react app hot-loading.
docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/src:/app/src -v $(pwd)/diagrams:/app/diagrams plantuml-hot-loader

Build and deploy

The result can be compiled in a static bundle via webpack.

# With node.
yarn build

# With Docker
docker build -t plantuml-hot-loader . && docker run -v $(pwd)/dist:/app/dist plantuml-hot-loader yarn build