
Clone the Github template and add the three traversal methods to the LinkedBinaryTree. All 4 traversal methods should be public and accessible through the Main file.

preorder(): A method to preorder traverse the binary tree

Algorithm preorder(T, p):
  perform the "visit" action for position p
  for each child c in T.children(p) do
    preorder(T, c)

postorder(): A method to postorder traverse the binary tree

Algorithm postorder(T, p):
  for each child c in T.children(p) do
    postorder(T, c)
perform the "visit" action for position p

inorder(): A method to inorder traverse the tree

Algorithm inorder(p):
  if p has a left child lc then
perform the "visit" action for position p
if p has a right child rc then

Finally, edit the file to test all these methods on the existing tree.