Getting Started With Service Calls And Serverless Workflow

Read the post related to this repository on the KIE Blog.

The code used in the KIE Blog post is tagged as kie-blog-post. The main branch is intended to receive updates and improvements. So, its code may differ from the blog post.

This demo is composed of two services:

You can see both services in action by running the following command:


The above command will build the Docker images and run the docker-compose file located in the docker-compose directory.


To run the startup script and the docker-compose file, you need to have Docker installed on your machine.

Alternatively, you can run the following commands to run the services locally:

cd greeting-flow
./mvnw quarkus:dev

The above command will start the workflow service at port 8080.

cd international-greeting-service
./mvnw quarkus:dev

The above command will start the international-greeting-service at port 8081.


Running the services locally requires you to update the international-greeting-service URL in the OpenAPI document.

When both services are up and running, you can try the following command:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d '{"workflowdata" : {"name": "Helber", "country": "Brazil"}}' http://localhost:8080/greeting

The above command should print an output similar to the following:

{"id":"09f0c9f9-6327-47cd-b6d8-55814bfd4a27","workflowdata":{"greeting":"Saudações do Serverless Workflow, Helber!"}}

Deploying to Knative

First, you need to deploy the international-greeting-service in order to know the URL you need to configure in the greeting-flow project.

Deploying the international-greeting-service to Knative

Switch to the international-greeting-service directory:

cd international-greeting-service

If you're running Knative on minikube, configure the container CLI to use the container engine inside minikube:

eval $(minikube -p knative docker-env)

Deploy to Knative:

mvn clean package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true

You should see an output similar to:

[INFO] [io.quarkus.container.image.jib.deployment.JibProcessor] Created container image dev.local/hbelmiro/international-greeting-service:1.0 (sha256:caca1a1a065013c034c66e36ea3f35064debf62f6c1ec3ef3b8234c1f3d20713)

[INFO] [io.quarkus.kubernetes.deployment.KubernetesDeployer] Deploying to knative server: in namespace: default.
[INFO] [io.quarkus.kubernetes.deployment.KubernetesDeployer] Applied: Service international-greeting-service.
[INFO] [io.quarkus.deployment.QuarkusAugmentor] Quarkus augmentation completed in 5330ms
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  9.424 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-26T10:30:39-03:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Run the following command to see the deployed service on Knative:

kn service list

You should see an output similar to:

NAME                             URL                                                                     LATEST                                 AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
international-greeting-service   international-greeting-service-00001   21m   3 OK / 3     True    

Use the service URL to configure the remote service in the greeting-flow project.

Configuring the greeting-flow to use the deployed service

Update the"openapi_yml".uri property in the greeting-flow/src/main/resources/ file with the URL of the international-greeting-service Knative service.


Deploying the greeting-flow to Knative

Follow the same steps you did to deploy the international-greeting-service project in the greeting-flow directory.


Don't forget to configure the container CLI to use the container engine inside minikube:

eval $(minikube -p knative docker-env)

Deploying native images to Knative

Follow the above same steps, but include -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.native-image-xmx=4096m -Dquarkus.native.remote-container-build=true in the Maven commands. Ex.:

mvn clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.native-image-xmx=4096m -Dquarkus.native.remote-container-build=true -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true