
automat cat feeder with esp8266

Primary LanguageC++

CAT Feeder

CAT Feeder

Today I am building an ESP8266 based automatic cat feeder that can automatically feed my cat on a regular basis.

In this circuit, we use a:

  • ESP8266 Controle module (NodeMCU).
  • Servo motor (SG90) is used to deliver and controle the contitier of food.
  • DHT11 to get the temperature and humidity of envirenment.
  • The internet to set the feed time automatically, monitor and controle manually the system remotley.

The ESP8266 module is connect to mqtt broker and ntp server.

Circuit Diagram


Feeder Model

File PDF




WiFi settings

 9 // WiFi settings
10 const char* ssid = "open_wifi";
11 const char* password = "12345678";
12 /* Put IP Address details */
13 IPAddress local_ip(192, 168, 254, 253);
14 IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 254, 254);
15 IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
19 // MQTT Broker
20 #include <PubSubClient.h>
21 const char* mqtt_broker = "broker.mqtt.com";
22 const char* mqtt_username = "";
23 const char* mqtt_password = "";
24 const int mqtt_port = 1883;
28 #define mqtt_topic(topic) ((String) "qfd564dsf654qsdf/" + topic).c_str()

replace qfd564dsf654qsdf with custom main topic 123456789

30 // NTP server
33 NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "time.google.com", 3600);
35 int default_cycle = 21600;  // 21600 Feed every 6 Hour
