JBoss BPMS Vagrant environment

This Vagrant project is aimed to help you easily starting playing with Red Hat JBoss BPMS.

It bootstraps a VirtualBox VM (BTW you have to use your own since I used a private RHEL 6 box so a Centos 6 will be fine) and installs you :

  • JBoss EAP
  • BPMS
  • MySQL
  • MySQL driver

And then configures for you :

  • MySQL Datasource for the BPMS persistence
  • admin and dev users

The box mentioned in the Vagrantfile is a private one. You are encouraged to use a Centos6 box. You will also have to download from the Red Hat customer portal the EAP and BPMS distribution and put them in the dist folder :

  • jboss-eap-6.1.1.zip
  • jboss-bpms-6.0.3.GA-redhat-1-deployable-eap6.x.zip

After running Vagrant up and Vagrant provision, you will end up with a BRPMS installation accessible from the VM in /vagrant/runtime/jboss-eap-6.1/.

To start the installation :

  • Vagrant ssh
  • cd /vagrant/runtime/jboss-eap-6.1/bin
  • ./standalone.sh -b -bmanagement=

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/business-central and login using either admin/admin@123 or developer/developer@123 for admin and developer access respectively.