
Get Method Sampling from Java Flight Recorder Dump and convert to FlameGraph compatible format.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Converting JFR Method Profiling Samples to FlameGraph compatible format.

This is a simple application to read Method Profiling Samples from Java Flight Recorder dump and convert those Stack Traces to [FlameGraph] compatible format. [FlameGraph]: https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph

This application uses the unsupported [JMC Parser]. [JMC Parser]: http://hirt.se/blog/?p=446

See my blog post on "Flame Graphs with Java Flight Recordings" for more details.

How to build

Step 1:

Run install-mc-jars.sh script.

The required JMC dependencies need to be installed to a local repository first. The script will install required JMC jars to the local repository (The repo directory) and output a file named jmc_version.properties, which will show you the version of Java Mission Control Dependencies used. This script should automatically update the <jmc.version> property in pom.xml. Please verify that the <jmc.version> value is equal to the version found in jmc_version.properties.

Step 2:

Run mvn clean install -U.

How to run

After building, you can just run the JAR file. There is a helper script named run.sh to run the jar file.

For example:

./run.sh -f /tmp/highcpu.jfr -o /tmp/output.txt

Following are the options available.

$ ./run.sh -h
The following option is required: -f, --jfrdump 
Usage: Application [options]
    -h, --help
       Display Help
       Default: false
    -i, --ignore-line-numbers
       Ignore Line Numbers in Stack Frame
       Default: false
  * -f, --jfrdump
       Java Flight Recorder Dump
    -o, --output
       Output file

How to generate a Flame Graph

Clone Brendan's [FlameGraph] repository, generate FlameGraph using flamegraph.pl and open the SVG file in your web browser.

git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
cd FlameGraph
cat /tmp/output.txt | ./flamegraph.pl > ../traces-highcpu.svg
firefox ../traces-highcpu.svg


Copyright (C) 2015 M. Isuru Tharanga Chrishantha Perera

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0