
A plugin for XSBT to facilitate the use of ProGuard to create single jars for XSBT-managed projects

Primary LanguageScala


Requires SBT.

###Adding the plugin to your build (SBT 0.12+)

To project/plugins.sbt, add:

resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases-scalasbt", url("http://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-sbt" % "xsbt-proguard-plugin" % "0.1.3")

For SBT 0.11, see below.

###Injecting the Plugin into desired project

####1. Using build.sbt

To inject the proguard settings into your project through build.sbt:

seq(ProguardPlugin.proguardSettings :_*)

Add proguard keep options in build.sbt. Main class keep example:

proguardOptions += keepMain("Test")

####2. In your Build.scala

Alternatively, you can configure the proguard settings within your project's Build.scala or equivalent:

import ProguardPlugin._
lazy val proguard = proguardSettings ++ Seq(
  proguardOptions := Seq(keepMain("Test"))

And then include proguard in your Project definition as usual:

lazy val myProject = Project("my-project", file("."))
  .settings(proguard: _*)


Either of these will add a proguard action which will run Proguard and generate output in target/<scala-version>/<project-name-version>.min.jar. You may consult min-jar-path setting to see the actual path:

> min-jar-path
[info] /home/siasia/projects/xsbt-proguard-test/target/scala-2.8.1.final/root_2.8.1-0.1.min.jar


If you want to add some custom jar into the set of input jar files. Do so as follows:

proguardInJars += Path.userHome / "lib" / "webspec" / "runtime.jar"

Scala Library is already there.

If you wish to include all Scala classes in your output (regardless of whether they are used), use the following option:

proguardOptions ++= Seq(

If you wish to keep the main() entry point of a class, use:

proguardOptions ++= Seq(

If you wish to keep everything that is Serializable, use:

proguardOptions ++= Seq(

By default Proguard will be instructed to include everything except classes from the Java runtime. To treat additional libraries as external (i.e. to add them to the list of -libraryjars passed to Proguard), do the following. Here comes the example how to select a module named "httpclient" from the library dependencies:

proguardLibraryJars <++= (update) map (_.select(module = moduleFilter(name = "httpclient")))

By default all jar files passed to Proguard (except for the one that contains your project's classes) are filtered using somejar.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF). This is necessary to prevent conflicts when Proguard generates a single final jar. If you wish to filter other resources from a jar file, do the following:

makeInJarFilter <<= (makeInJarFilter) {
  (makeInJarFilter) => {
    (file) => file match {
      case "httpcore-4.1.jar" => makeInJarFilter(file) + ",!META-INF/**"
      case _ => makeInJarFilter(file)

The argument to makeJarFilter will be the filename of the jar file in question (minus any path). Note that your project's jar file is always included without any filtering.

Other customizations are possible, take a look at the source to ProguardPlugin.

##SBT 0.11

####1. Until SBT 0.11.1

To use the plugin in a project, you need to create project/plugins/build.sbt(since sonatype doesn't allow non standard maven layout we can't use addSbtPlugin here):

libraryDependencies <+= sbtVersion(v => "com.github.siasia" %% "xsbt-proguard-plugin" % (v+"-0.1.2"))

This adds plugin version corresponding to your sbt version into your build.

In case if you have a xsbt version different from one used in Maven artifacts or want to use development version of the plugin, you need to create a project/plugins/project/Build.scala:

import sbt._
object PluginDef extends Build {
  override def projects = Seq(root)
  lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(proguard)
  lazy val proguard = uri("git://github.com/siasia/xsbt-proguard-plugin.git")

####2. SBT 0.11.2+

Follow the instructions above, but note that the project/plugins folder has been deprecated in SBT 0.11.2.

Therefore your plugin .sbt file should be created as project/plugins.sbt, or alternatively your Build.scala created as project/project/Build.scala. Make sure to remove your project/plugins/ directory if you are upgrading.

##Hacking on the plugin

If you need make modifications to the plugin itself, you can compile and install it locally:

$ git clone git://github.com/adamw/xsbt-proguard-plugin.git
$ cd xsbt-proguard-plugin
$ xsbt publish-local


This plugin depends upon ProGuard (http://proguard.sourceforge.net/), which is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. As such, this plugin is distributed under the same license; you are free to use and modify this work so long as any derivative work complies with the distribution terms. See LICENSE for additional information.


This is a port of sbt-proguard-plugin by Kris Nuttycombe.

The author of this port is Artyom Olshevskiy.