
OpenAIGym Setup instructions

WSL2 (Preferred)

Adapted from

  1. Set up and install WSL2 according to the directions from Microsoft. WSL2 is required I believe as WSL 1 doesn't have necessary functions or something.

  2. Install VcXsrv from

  3. Install PuTTY

  4. Run VcXsrv (likely XLaunch in Windows Start Menu), click next through settings.

  5. Run these commands in WSL:

    sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server
  6. Edit the SSH server config with nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  7. Make sure the following lines are uncommented/set:

    X11Forwarding yes
    X11DisplayOffset 10
  8. Run: sudo service ssh restart

  9. Open PuTTY, go to Connection -> SSH -> X11 and check Enable X11 forwarding and set the X display location to

  10. Return to the Session tab. Enter localhost as the Host Name, or optionally (for convenience) add your username, like username@localhost.

  11. Also for convenience, type a name in Saved Sessions like WSL Local SSH or something, and press save. This makes it so you don't have to configure PuTTY every time, you can just double click the entry in the sessions list.

  12. Press open (or double click the session you made) and log in with your WSL username/password.

  13. Change to the code directory using the cd command. This will probably be something like cd /mnt/c/Users/yourname/Documents/Github/AIFactFiction-PacmanAI.

  14. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-opengl
    sudo pip3 install gym
    sudo pip3 install gym[atari]
  15. Run the code with python3

  16. You should now have success! Hopefully anyways


1.x Tensorflow Colab Notebook implementation based on


  • Set to tensorflow 1.x version
  • Improve preprocessing by cropping more closely to game screen
  • Added GPU capabilities
  • Removed TensorBoard data collection [ histograms and logs ]
  • Increased initial exploration to over 50%
  • 5x learning rate
  • Custom scoring will subtract 10 point every second after 1.45 seconds where no points are obtained


  • Since the model is built as a function with its weights stored in a dictionary and not a tensorflow model subclass, saving and loading it is implausible. Due to time constraints rewriting it into a tensorflow model subclass (easy), update the training to use the new format (manageable) and debugging the inevitbale issues (hard) is also implausible.
  • The penalty fo time spent in a level could not be implemented as OpenAIGym does not return level information
  • In order to optimize parameters one variable must be changed at a time and then the model must be retrained. This is unfeasible to to how long it takes to train the model, ≈10 games per minute * > 600s of games > 1hour per parameter.
  • Most of the model (i.e. the layers, their stride, etc.) were not changed on purpose as the goal was to prove that the custom scoring would improve the results, and by changing too many variables the results could not be attributed to any single change