Prediction of (Estrogen receptor) ER positive and negative status on breast cancer
This repository contains script to train machine learning model on transcriptomic (microarray) data to classify ER positive and negative status on breast cancer.
run the bash script below to obtain trancriptomic data :
# dowload affymetrix dataset in data folder
This dataset was initialy found here NCBI and has been used in the studies below :
Desmedt C, Piette F, Loi S, Wang Y et al. Strong time dependence of the 76-gene prognostic signature for node-negative breast cancer patients in the TRANSBIG multicenter independent validation series. Clin Cancer Res 2007 Jun 1;13(11):3207-14. PMID: 17545524
Patil P, Bachant-Winner PO, Haibe-Kains B, Leek JT. Test set bias affects reproducibility of gene signatures. Bioinformatics 2015 Jul 15;31(14):2318-23. PMID: 25788628
These dataset contain microarray (GPL96 Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array) from primary breast tumors from 198 patients.
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| | |-Feature_selection_Lasso-checkpoint.ipynb # Feature selection
| | |-er_prediction-checkpoint.ipynb # Model training and shap
| | |-breast_cancer_EDA-checkpoint.ipynb # Exploratory data analysis
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| |-GSE7390.RData
| |-df_gene_selected_lasso.csv
| |-annot.csv
| |-gene_expression_er.csv
Exploratory data analysis
We have an unbalanced dataset (about 1:2 ration) with more ER positive patients. Now, we going to see if we can cluster this 2 groups using gene expression by clustering. We used PCA and T-SNE
We can see the negative and positve ER patient group quite easily notably on PCA. Now, we are going to select feature to then train a machine learning models to classify ER status
Feature selection
There are 2216 genes and only 198 patients. We need to perform feature selection to train a machine learning model. After research, several feature selection workflow have been used on transcriptomic data including :
Recursive feature elimination RFE
Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator LASSO
Differential gene expression (DGE) and F-score selection Here
We choose to used LASSO selection and obtain the following genes :
Interestingly, ESR1, the estrogen receptor 1 has been selected.
Correlation heatmap | Feature correlation with ER |
ER prediction
We trained 3 models : LogisticRegression, GradientBoosting and Classifier andRandomForestClassifier. We obtained the following results :
The models performed well. The dataset is unbalanced but we obtain good sensitivity/specificity and F1 score as well.
Lets try to explain the randomforst model with feature importances with shap approaches
Its seems that higher level of GATA3, BCL2.2 and ESR1 transcripts are associated with ER positive tumors.
Interestingly, both ESR1 is the Estrogen Receptor 1 and GATA3 (involved in ESR1 signaling) are both often mutated in breast cancer. It's seems this markers can be use to differentiate ER positive and negative patient in most of the case.
However, several aspect have not been take into account in this projet. The models we trained had quite higth predictive power but we did not :
Perform cross validation to asssess preformances stability over different fold test ours models on external validation cohort to assess performance on external patient. We also try just LASSO data feature selection along others (RFE, DGE) used to select relevant gene in transcriptomic study and we did not perform model optimization.