
agr (Archlinux Git Repositories)

Primary LanguagePython

AGR (Archlinux Git Repositories)

What is AGR?

agr is a tool that acts like a package manager with a twist. The user sets the remote git addresses where there are bunch of different PKGBUILD files in it. Then the user can build and install the package maintained in this repo. So in this sense, it is more like an AUR with git backend.

The major difference difference of AGR from other package managers is, AGR manages the .SRCINFO on the user/client side, meaning that the versions of each package is calculated dynamically and maintainer does not need to specifically maintain the versions of the packages.

The concept of containers and cross compilation

You can use AGR as a native package manager on the running existing archlinux installation, or you can build individual packages in sterile container that can later be installed to your target archlinux based OS.

Current containers are:

  1. native (default): Packages are build in your native OS and installed to your native OS.
  2. host-x86_64: A replica of your current OS is created is created, and packages are built inside this sterile container. The architecture tar can be different is you are running in another arch. Ie: if you run it under alarm-aarch64 OS, your container name will be native-aarch64. You can list the available containers with agr container list
  3. alarm-aarch64: This is a cross compiling container which runs on x86_64 and generates aarch64 packages based on Archlinux ARM toolchain.
  4. alarm-armv7h: This is a cross compiling container which runs on x86_64 and generates armv7h packages based on Archlinux ARM toolchain.


To install or update the tool, just install with pip as below.

python -m pip install https://github.com/hbiyik/agr/archive/master.zip --break-system-packages --force-reinstall

or if pip is already in your path, simply:

pip install https://github.com/hbiyik/agr/archive/master.zip --break-system-packages --force-reinstall

Don't worry, you wont break the system packages because there is no agr system package as of yet, instead we are using python pip installer. Pip installer by default installs the scripts under ~/.local/bin/ if this path is already in your system path, you can directly run agr command form shell

if not, you can either add ~/.local/bin/ to your PATH or, your can create a symbolic link of agr to ~/.local/bin/agr as below

sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/agr /usr/local/bin/agr

or you can run agr inside the python interpreter as below

python -m agr

Basic Usage

To add an example repo of https://github.com/hbiyik/agrrepo.git with an alias/name of of "boogie"

agr rem set boogie https://github.com/hbiyik/agrrepo.git

verify the remote repo is added

agr rem list

sync the packages in the repo

agr sync --noconfirm

list the packages in the active repos added


will output

     INFO | Running in container native
      AGR | 
      AGR | Repository: boogie: ['/home/boogie/src/agrrepo', 'master']
      AGR | ----------------------------------------------------------
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-base, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-dummy, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-gbm, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-wayland-gbm, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-x11-gbm, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           libmali-valhall-g610-x11-wayland-gbm, version: g13p0.10-1
      AGR |           dri2to3-git, version: r6.43a51c6-1
      AGR |           libv4l-rkmpp-git, version: 1.7.1-1
      AGR |           v4l-utils-mpp, version: 1.26.1-1
      AGR |       [I] gitweb-dlagent, version: 0.3-1
      AGR |           r8125-dkms-git, version:
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp6.1-joshua-git, version: 6.1.75.r1272305.aa54fa4e0712-1
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp6.1-joshua-git-headers, version: 6.1.75.r1272305.aa54fa4e0712-1
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rk3588-collabora-git, version: 6.10rc1.r1279437.b8c754a7-1
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rk3588-collabora-git-headers, version: 6.10rc1.r1279437.b8c754a7-1
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp5.10-radxa-git-headers, version: 5.10.1082245.36d94f0525-1
      AGR |           linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp5.10-radxa-git, version: 5.10.1082245.36d94f0525-1
      AGR |           mesa-panfork-git, version: r164486.2e8aead0016-1
      AGR |           mpp-git, version: 1.0.6.r3644.8753dc63-1
      AGR |           8852be-dkms-git, version:
      AGR |           ffmpeg-mpp-git, version: 7.0.1.r114633.342fe8368c-1
      AGR |           chromium-mpp, version: 122.0.6261.128-1
      AGR |           8852bu-dkms-git, version:
      AGR |       [I] gl4es-git, version: r2687.52e0c496-1
      AGR |           mesa-panvk-git, version: 19.2.branchpoint.r76971.g4659c0c87bd-1
      AGR |           mesa-panfrost-git, version: r187624.4ab19044967-1
      AGR |           icecream-git, version: r2207.57c6fa6-1
      AGR |           kodi-mpp-git, version: r175782.7e5bb325bd-1
      AGR |    [B][I] kodi-binary-addons-git, version: r24014-1
      AGR |           librga-multi, version: 1.10.0.d7a0a485ed-1
      AGR | 
      AGR | [B] = Built
      AGR | [I] = Installed
      AGR | [U] = Needs Update
      AGR | 
      AGR | Result time: 0.57 seconds

install a package from the remote repo

to install ffmpeg-mpp-git from the boogie repo

agr install ffmpeg-mpp-git

to automatically say "yes" to each question asked

agr install ffmpeg-mpp-git --noconfirm

update the system

to update the installed packages with their newest versions

agr update --noconfirm

to update everything except linux-aarch64-rk3588-collabora-git package without any confirmation

agr update --sync --noconfirm --np-pkg linux-aarch64-rk3588-collabora-git
agr update --noconfirm --no-pkg linux-aarch64-rk3588-collabora-git

to self update the agr tool

agr update --agr

Advanced Usage and containers

To use a container you have to set it first and create it. To get the list of available containers:

agr container list

To get the active container

agr container get

To set to another container, in below example alarm-aarch64

agr container set alarm-aarch64

After the container is set, you have to create it. (unless the set container is not native)

agr container create

After this point, all the build commands will now run for the set target container.

You can delete all of the container image with

agr container wipe

Working with containers

  1. You can find the generated build artifacts (packages) under ~/.agr/tarballs/[container-name]/[repo-name]/

  2. The update command updates the built packages when a container is in use, updates the installed packages when native is in use.

  3. The containers are immutable, meaning that the changes done during the package build process is not permanent, and will be deleted after the building process is finished.

  4. However the containers do a generic maintannceof pacman -Syu theirselves on each agr execution. So you dont have to maintain them,

  5. You can run a mutable command in the constainer with agr container maintain command-to-run-in-container. Ie: agr container maintain sudo pacman -Syu will update the container in a mutable way, meaning that, next time agr runs the maintain commands will be permamnent.

  6. You can run immutable commands in a container with agr container exec command-to-run-in-container. The changes that the command has done will not be permanent. Ie: agr container exec bash will fall you back to the containers terminal.

  7. Your current working directory and logged in users home directory will be mapped to container automatically. That means you can run agr container exec makepkg in any external PKGBUILD directory in your hard drive and compile your package in the container.

Under the hood.

The cross compiling containers are very fast. The reason for this is, the GCC and toolchain in the foreign artchitecture container runs in native architecture without any emulation, the rest like build tools like make, cmake, ninja, shell etc are running with qemu. Since the bottleneck of performance when compiling is actual compiling and linking stage, both of them runs natively.

The native cross compiling only works for GCC based compilers. The compilers like clang, rustc, java, cpython etc.. will run with emulation, therefore such packets will be slow to compile.

Further improvement on the rest of development tools or extra compilation can theoretically be done, but future management of them would be quite complicated, so i believe current status is the sweet spot.