
AuShadha (औषध): Means medicine in Sanskrit. This is a Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Public Health Management for small clinics written in Django and Dojo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

AuShadha (औषध)

AuShadha (औषध): Means medicine in Sanskrit.

This is a Open Source Electornic Medical Records (EMR) & Public Health Management System for Small Clinics.

It might be even suited for speciality medical practice after some customisation.

It is developed with Python, Django and Dojo

For Development the code uses sqlite3 database, but with Django DB backend we can extend this to any database ( PostgresSQL is preferred ).

AuShadha code is licensed under GNU-GPL Version 3. Django, Dojo, Icons and other thrid party modules are licensed as per their authors. This should be honoured.


There are many great Open Source EMR and Clinic Management projects, but most of them have very poor front ends.

As in life, beauty and usability are key in medical practice.

It is natural that more visually appealing it is more you want to use it.

AuShadha will strive to achieve a balance between back and front end design.

To achieve that aim Django and Dojo has been chosen.

AuShadha is designed by me, a Medical Doctor in association with other Developers, so usability and practicability will always be foremost.

AuShadha benefits from inputs, feature requests from my medical colleagues as the development progresses.

How to Test

  1. AuShadha requirements please refer to Requirements.txt in docs/

  2. AuShadha has been tested and developed with Python 2.7, Django 1.4.1 and Dojo 1.7.2 in Linux. It should work as long as dependencies are satisfied.

  3. Ideally create a Python Virtual Environment. If virtualenv is not installed, please run in Debian systems sudo easy_install virtualenv

  4. After installing virtualenv, Create a Python Virtual Environment virtualenv python_env

  5. Change the working directory to the virtualenv folder cd python_env and activate it source bin/activate

  6. With Python pip installed, run pip install -f requirements.txt . This will install all the necessary dependencies you need.

  7. cd into src/AuShadha directory cd src/AuShadha

  8. run python manage.py runserver

  9. Use your browser to navigate to http://localhost:8000/AuShadha/. You will be greeted with a login page. Use username = admin, password = admin for a trial run.

  10. Please read the issues, license before using. Currently AuShadha is under active development and is not fit in anyway for real world use.

Project Structure

AuShadha_logo : Contains the logo, with SVG and .png file along with License.

docs : Contains the Requirements.txt, License.txt

src : Project Source Code, Media files(Icons,Images, File uploads), Javscript (custom and Dojo)



  1. I plan to develop the Clinic, Patient, Physician, Nurse modules first.
  2. Visit Module will be next followed by Clinical Exam, Investigations, Procedure, Discharge, Prescription
  3. Stock and Pharmacy will follow.
  4. Allergy and Incident Reports next
  5. Admission Module will follow.
  6. Specific public health modules like Paediatrics, Neonatology, Gynaecology/ Obstetrics will be last as by then the interdependencies will be solved

Want to participate ?

Suggestions and participation are welcome.

Please email me at dreaswar@gmail.com
Visit me at http://www.dreaswar.com
Follow me at http://www.twitter.com/dreaswar/ Follow the Project news at http://www.facebook.com/AuShadha/