
This is a Backend Complete

Primary LanguageC#

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1. Net Core Backend

Currently is very import to test the codes each stage, this is possible using the SOLID fundamentals, also is very important the architecture to use, for this project I using Onion Architecture.

1.1 Onion Architecture

Onion Architecture is based on the inversion of control principle. Onion Architecture is comprised of multiple concentric layers interfacing each other towards the core that represents the domain. The architecture does not depend on the data layer as in classic multi-tier architectures, but on the actual domain models.

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1.2 Layers of Onion Architecture

1.2.1 Domain Layer

At the center part of the Onion Architecture, the domain layer exists; this layer represents the business and behavior objects. The idea is to have all of your domain objects at this core. It holds all application domain objects. Besides the domain objects, you also could have domain interfaces. These domain entities don't have any dependencies. Domain objects are also flat as they should be, without any heavy code or dependencies

1.2.2 Repository Layer

This layer creates an abstraction between the domain entities and business logic of an application. In this layer, we typically add interfaces that provide object saving and retrieving behavior typically by involving a database. This layer consists of the data access pattern, which is a more loosely coupled approach to data access. We also create a generic repository, and add queries to retrieve data from the source, map the data from data source to a business entity, and persist changes in the business entity to the data source.

1.2.3 Services Layer

The Service layer holds interfaces with common operations, such as Add, Save, Edit, and Delete. Also, this layer is used to communicate between the UI layer and repository layer. The Service layer also could hold business logic for an entity. In this layer, service interfaces are kept separate from its implementation, keeping loose coupling and separation of concerns in mind.

1.2.4 UI Layer

It's the outer-most layer, and keeps peripheral concerns like UI and tests. For a Web application, it represents the Web API or Unit Test project. This layer has an implementation of the dependency injection principle so that the application builds a loosely coupled structure and can communicate to the internal layer via interfaces.

2. What contain this project?

This project besides applying the Onion architecture and combinate the SOLID fundamentals, It has the following characteristics:

1.- Entity Framework Core Database first


3.- JWT is not available yet

Is a backend where you can create differents frontend as Mobile Apps, WPF Apps and Web Apps

For this project I used Abstract class, Interfaces, Generic Class, IoC and Async Methods.

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