
TOTP Authenticator with configurable storage of tokens

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

hbldh Authenticator

A small wrapper around pyotp to provide tailored storage of Authenticator tokens.

The tokens are intended to be stored on an encrypted partition or similar, enabling this authenticator to be used as a backup for the mobile-based one. It can also be used to provision a new


$ pip install git+https://github.com/hbldh/hbldhauth.git@master

or use pipsi:

$ pipsi install git+https://github.com/hbldh/hbldhauth.git@master#egg=hbldhauth


By default, hbldhauth looks for a config file at ~/.hbldhauth, containing the path to the actual file containing the tokens to be used for Authenticator code generation.

Sample config file:


Sample tokens file:

Github|account_name: abcdefghijklmnop
Discord|account_email: abcd efgh ijkl mnop
Sentry|account_email: ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVWX YZ23 4567

Then run hbldhauth:

$ hbldhauth
--- hbldh Authenticator ---
Valid for 17 seconds...

Github (account_name): 998 725
Discord (account_email): 998 725
Sentry (account_email): 362 213

Display QR codes

To display a web page with all QR codes for provisioning e.g. a new phone, run

$ hbldhauth --qr
--- hbldh Authenticator ---
Generating QR code page at C:\Users\henri\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpvyx1wlan.html...
Deleted QR code web page.