
🌚 Neovim package manager

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Paq is a Neovim package manager written in Lua.


  • Simple: Easy to use and configure
  • Fast: Installs and updates packages concurrently using Neovim's event-loop
  • Small: Around 250 LOC



Clone this repository.

For Unix-like systems:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/savq/paq-nvim.git \

For Windows:

git clone https://github.com/savq/paq-nvim.git "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\paqs\start\paq-nvim"

To install Paq automatically or to install your plugins in --headless mode see the documentation section :h paq-bootstrapping.


In your init.lua, require the "paq" module with a list of packages, like:

require "paq" {
    "savq/paq-nvim", -- Let Paq manage itself


    { "lervag/vimtex", opt = true }, -- Use braces when passing options

    { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = function() vim.cmd 'TSUpdate' end },

Then, source your configuration (using :source % or :luafile %) and run :PaqInstall.

NOTICE: Calling the paq function per package is deprecated. Users should now pass a list to the "paq" module instead.


  • PaqInstall: Install all packages listed in your configuration.
  • PaqUpdate: Update all packages already on your system (it won't implicitly install them).
  • PaqClean: Remove all packages (in Paq's directory) that aren't listed on your configuration.
  • PaqSync: Execute the three commands listed above.


Option Type
as string Name to use for the package locally
branch string Branch of the repository
opt boolean Optional packages are not loaded on startup
pin boolean Pinned packages are not updated
run string Shell command to run after install/update
run function Lua function to run after install/update
url string URL of the remote repository, useful for non-GitHub repos

For more details on each option, refer to the documentation.

Related projects

You can find a comparison with other package managers in the wiki.