🎂The Custom Cakery

The Custom Cakery is a custom cake selling business. They have a website consisting of a home, order and gallery page. Customers can learn about the business, place a cake order and view previous cakes that the Custom Cakery has made. The Custom Cakery is overall happy with the look and feel of their website, but are concerned that not all of their customers are able to access it and place cake orders.

Your job is to make The Custom Cakery accessible and responsive. Don't be afraid to make design and/or content changes, but make sure to stick to the overall theme and design of the website (colors, fonts, vibe, etc.).

Strategies for Success

Treat this like a take home code challenge. Give yourself three hours to work on it over the weekend, then submit.

  • Think about where ARIA should be utilized
  • Use a screenreader to navigate the site and fix areas of confusion
  • Tab through each page - could you interact with this site using only a keyboard?
  • Find a tool to help you keep the color contrast in different areas of the site
  • Go through the site considering four areas of accessibility concern (visual, auditory, physical and cognitive)
  • View the site in different screen sizes

Set Up Instructions

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Deploy your fork to GH pages
  3. Clone your forked copy
  4. cd into the cloned repo
  5. Edit the code

You should be able to viewed the deployed version of your code at:



Submit your project here by 9AM on Tuesday, Feb 18th.



  • 100% passing accessibility audit (you will need to have your project deployed to GH pages in order to run an audit)
  • Site can be navigated using a keyboard only
  • Site can be fully navigated using a screen reader
  • Content is readable, usable and looks good on all screen sizes