HangMan API

This API is easy to use, since it is designed for data consumption, although you can also enter hints with their respective responses (you will see this in depth later). The API is in charge of returning you the hint together with its answer and the length of this answer thanks to the fact that you will pass it a value through a URL, the value would be the ID of the record to which you want to obtain the values mentioned above.

The API website is: https://hangmanapi-hb.herokuapp.com/

Get Hangs

Getting your 'Hang' (I'll call the returned hint, response and response length) is very simple, just use the following URL template:


Remember that you must change the X for the ID that you want. Now, let's try to receive the data from the API, for this, I will use JS, first create an async function, inside this make a try-catch block and inside the try block declare a constant with the name "result", that will store the promise of the fetch to the API website, and after making this line of code, declare a constant with the name you want to store the value of the result.json(). If you are confused, take a guide from the following code:

async function getHangman()  {
    try {
		const result = await fetch(
			"https://hangmanapi-hb.herokuapp.com/get/hangman?id=1",{ method:  "GET",}
		const  db  =  await result.json();
	}  catch (e) {


And then, open the console of your web browser and you will notice that you have the JSON of your 'Hang', then from here, it's up to you how you design the game. But to help you, I will tell you the specific function of each variable.

  • Hint: store the hint so you can guess and there is no hangman, note that it MUST be in English, you could buy a coffee if you want me to store hintin other languages ;)
  • Answer: stores the answer to the given hint, this SHOULD also be in English.
  • AnswerLenght: stores the length of the response, obviously. This will help you create the necessary spaces to display to the user.

Create Hangs

To create a Hang, the model to follow is very similar, you only have to change the ID parameter for the hint and answer parameters, as you can see in the following example:


Note that if you want the parameters to have spaces, you must concatenate them using the plus symbol, after you have finished passing a parameter, continue using "&", again I remind you that if you want this API to control more languages, you can buy me a coffee ;)