
Gesture recognition for the LeapMotion device

Primary LanguagePython



git clone git://github.com/hbradlow/pyGesture.git
cd pyGesture
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Try it

To try it out, run

python collect.py

To train new gestures, run

[Command] learn

To load pretrained gestures, run

[Command] load
[Command] recognize


  • collect.py - Script to handle collection of training/testing data
  • features.py - Functions that extract features from the raw data
  • learn.py - Uses the scikit-learn svm to classify gestures based on a training set
  • utils.py - Some hacked together utility functions. These functions should probably be removed, and this project should switch to using numpy.array's instead of Leap.Vectors.
  • recognizer.py - Implements Leap.Listener and uses a sliding window to detect gestures from the frame stream.
