

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to INVTASK


Your task is to build a backend for a web scraper. It will be used by client applications to retrieve the following structured content:

  • Twitter profiles

Decorated with a popularity index calculated as:

  • Twitter (followers)


I solved it in two different ways:

  1. I decorated the REST API with a popularity property, and too I decorated the model with other popularity property.
  2. I added a method in model manager that annotate a rank field.

App Features

  • REST API created with Django and Tastypie.
  • Minimal Consumer frontend created with VueJS.
  • Script to setup local environment.
  • Script to setup docker.


  • Python 3+
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis


To get started with development, clone this repository and set up the dependencies:

> ./scripts/devsetup.sh

And start the development server:

> ./scripts/dev.sh


Now you are able to access:

Development with Docker

Check .env file, database configuration. Install Doker and execute:

> docker-compose build
> docker-compose up

Then you can check your containers with this :

> docker-compose ps

To access container: > docker exec -i -t invtask_web_1 /bin/bash


You can monitor all task with Flower accessing:


Or from terminal with commands

> celery --app=invtask.app.celery:app control enable_events
> celery --app=invtask.app.celery:app events


You can quickly deploy invtask to Heroku:

heroku login
heroku create invtask
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev # for Celery
git push heroku master
heroku run python manage.py migrate

Whats Next?

  • Create documentation with Sphinx and ReadTheDocs theme
  • Integrate with travis-ci
  • Integrate with sentry.io
  • Configure AWS S3, to store static media
  • Configure AWS EC2 to run django and celery with supervisord
  • Configure ansible or fabric to deploy to AWS server