
Curated links to APIs, SDKs, paltforms and tools relevant to solar energy and battery storage

Essential Solar and Energy Storage Software Resources

Curated lists of APIs, SDKs, paltforms, tools, datasets and academic refrences relevant to solar energy and energy storage software. Categories include: Design & engineering, Finance, Monitoring & Billing, Project Management, Automated Paperwork, etc.

The ultimate goal of this open source project is for software engineers in the industry and academia to share resources for the benefit of all.

APIs and SDKs: System Design & Enegineering

Platforms and Tools: Design & Enegineering

APIs and SDKs: Finance

Platforms and Tools: Finance

APIs and SDKs: Monitoring and Billing

Platforms and Tools: Monitoring and Billing

APIs and SDKs: Automating Paperwork

Platforms and Tools: Automating Paperwork

Datasets: Weather Data

Datasets: Performance Data

Datasets: Energy Pricing Data

Datasets: PV Modules and Inverters

Datasets: Generic

Courses, trainings and MOOCs

Staying up to date (Newsletters, Magazines, Blogs, etc)

Technical Books

Scientific Journals

Technical Conferences