
A Mithril storage library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mithril Storage Built with Grunt

================= Code Climate

Mithril Storage is a library which allows to store locally your mithril applications data through cookies, local storage, in-memory or session storage.

Get Started

One way to use Mithril Translate: download this project, get the dist folder files and link to mithril and mithril-storage in the head of your app:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="mithril.js"></script>
    <script src="mithril-storage.js"></script>


Take a look at this basic demo and see Mithril Storage in action.

How to use it

The mx.storage function

By default, the library will set up a default storage of localStorage type if it exists otherwise it will store data in the cookies. If you want to select a specific way to store, you can choose among the four kinds of available storage types ( cookie , localStorage, sessionStorage, in-memory ) by using the mx.storage function and storage type constants:

    // Write nothing and it will set a default storage of default type ( localStorage or cookie storage )
    // -- OR -- 
    // Set explicitely the default storage to the default storage ( localStorage or cookie storage )
    // This line is useless but works since this is the configuration by default
    mx.storage( mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME , mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE ); // Returns the storage
    // -- OR -- 
    // Set the default storage to cookie
    mx.storage( mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME , mx.COOKIE_STORAGE ); // Returns the storage
     // -- OR -- 
    // Set the default storage to localStorage
    mx.storage( mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME , mx.LOCAL_STORAGE ); // Returns the storage
     // -- OR -- 
    // Set the default storage to sessionStorage
    mx.storage( mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME , mx.IN_MEMORY_STORAGE ); // Returns the storage
     // -- OR -- 
    // Set the default storage to sessionStorage
    mx.storage( mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME , mx.SESSION_STORAGE ); // Returns the storage

    // Returns the default storage
    mx.storage( ); // Returns the storage labeled with mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME

Namespaced storage

The library allows you to define several other storages than the default one. They just need a name ( such as the constant default string mx.DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME ), that's it !

    // One storage for some user model
    var userModel = mx.storage( 'userModel' , mx.IN_MEMORY_STORAGE );
    // One storage for some session stats
    var statsStore = mx.storage( 'stats' , mx.SESSION_STORAGE );
    // One storage for persistent data 
    var persistentStorage = mx.storage( 'persistent' , mx.LOCAL_STORAGE );
    // Accessors 
    mx.storage( 'userModel' ); // Returns userModel
    mx.storage( 'stats' ); // Returns statsStore
    mx.storage( 'persistent' ); // Returns persistentStorage

The mx.storage.get, mx.storage.set function

The mx.storage.get and mx.storage.set functions allow you to get and set values in the default/named storage. In order to store a value, you just need to specify a string key. Note that the type of value you set is the same one than you get. )

    var cache   = mx.storage( 'cache' , mx.IN_MEMORY_STORAGE ),
        localDb = mx.storage( 'db' , mx.LOCAL_STORAGE );
    cache.set( 'user' , 'kawan16' ); 
    localDb.set( 'document' , { title:' A title' , content: 'Some content' } ); 
    cache.set( 'number' , 42 );
    // Later
    cache.get( 'user' ); // Returns 'kawan16'
    localDb.get( 'document' ); // Returns { title:' A title' , content: 'Some content' } 
    cache.get( 'number' ); // Returns 42

The mx.storage.remove function

Once you store a key/value, you can remove it:

    var cache   = mx.storage( 'cache' , mx.IN_MEMORY_STORAGE );
    cache.set( 'user' , 'kawan16' ); 
    // Later
   cache.remove( 'user' ); // Delete 'user' / 'kawan16'
   cache.get( 'user' ); // returns null


  • 0.1.0 - Initial release


Licensed under the MIT license.