
Jump to next/previous todo items using hotkey

Primary LanguageJava


merged into https://github.com/hbt/ideavim

What is it?

Jump between todos in your code (like bookmarked locations).


  • Used to plan a patch of work and jump between file locations by placing todo items and jumping in order
  • This is better than bookmarks since bookmarks lose the location after editing and require more work to sort


  • add todo items in code using format // TODO(hbt) NEXT
  • add numbered items e.g // TODO(hbt) NEXT 2 fix this // TODO(hbt) NEXT 4 then this
  • handles sub numbers like versioning e.g // TODO(hbt) NEXT 2.2.3 forgot to do this first
  • map actions to keys
nnoremap gj :action com.hbt.todos.next.PreviousToDoAction<CR>
nnoremap gk :action com.hbt.todos.next.NextToDo<CR>
  • jump between todos in order


  • Only works with my todo pattern // TODO(hbt) NEXT for now. Fork away.