
☠ model based testing experiment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

## Experiment

Generate graphs based on jasmine tests 


[More on model based testing](https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&ie=UTF-8#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=model%20based%20testing&oq=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=9a76560dc64857fb&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.b2I&biw=972&bih=514)

## Install

* place app/web under apache public directory
* run `bundle` -- will install dependencies defined in Gemfile
* cd app/server and run `npm install` -- will install dependencies defined in package.json
* install mongodb `apt-get install mongodb` and make sure mongod (server) is running (http://localhost:28017/)
* launch the node server `node app.js`

## Dev

### switch to dev mode

* `rake switch_env dev` will load javascript files asynchronously

### To avoid restarting the node.js server

* use `watch_and_do . js,css,json,html utils/build.rb` to reload node server + web app after making changes

### To avoid reloading the page manually

* enable DEBUG flag in web/assets/javascripts/app.js 
* use watch_and_do scripts to reload web page after making changes to any css,json,html,js file 
* gem install watch_and_do
* watch_and_do . js,css,json,html utils/build.rb

###  Before committing code

* run `rake format_js`

### To build the minified version (all files in one)

* `rake switch_env prod` will compress all files into one

### to run the tests

* switch to dev
* click on "Test"
* reload page and jasmine tests will run