
Python interface to the Stuttgart Finite State Transducer

Primary LanguageC++


Copyright (C) 2008 Hendrik Buschmeier, hbuschme@uni-bielefeld.de

pysfstmorph is a Python interface to the Stuttgart Finite State Transducer1 (SFST). pysfstmorph consists of two parts: (1) A C++ Python extension, which wraps the original SFST C++ sources (2) A Python class ("Transducer") for easy access to the extension.

pysfstmorph provides only a very limited interface to SFST. In fact, it only allows access to the morphological analysis and generation capabilities. pysfstmorph makes use of transducers for computational morphology (e.g., SMOR), which are build with the SFST C++ tools fst-compiler, fst-compact.

Installation and Build Instructions

  1. Download SFST from [1] and extract it somewhere.
    • Compile SFST [optional]
    • Build morphological transducers (SMOR, XMOR, ...) [optional]
  2. Copy the pysfstmorph files pysfstmorph.cpp, pysfstmorph_prepare_install.sh, pysfstmorph.patch and setup.py to the directory SFST/src.
  3. Run ./pysfstmorph_prepare_install.sh; This will create symbolic links with the extension .cpp instead of .C for some SFST source files and patches mem.h.
  4. Run python setup.py build to compile the _pysfstmorph Python extension.
  5. From the directory SFST/src/build/lib.../ copy the created shared object _pysfstmorph.so to wherever you want the pysfstmorph module to be located (e.g., the python site-packages directory or the place where you want to work with pysfstmorph). Also copy the file pysfstmorph.py to that location.

A Sample Program

>>> from pysfstmorph import Transducer
>>> t = Transducer('/Users/hendrik/bin/SFST/data/SMOR/smor.a')
>>> t.analyse('Kardinal)
	['Kardinal<+NN><Masc><Akk><Sg>', 'Kardinal<+NN><Masc><Nom><Sg>',
>>> t.generate('Kardinal<+NN><Masc><Dat><Sg>')
	['Kardinal', 'Kardinale']
>>> t.clean_up()


pysfstmorph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  1. http://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de/~schmid/tools/SFST/