
Installation and testing of tobii eye tracker in Ubuntu 18.10

Primary LanguageC

It allows to install the drivers and development libraries to operate devices compatible with IS4 (Tobii 4C).

The deps packages were obtained from the tobii page: https://developer.tobii.com/consumer-eye-trackers/stream-engine/getting-started

The manager is obtained from: https://www.tobiipro.com/es/learn--support/downloads/


bash ./install.sh


Run the Tobii Pro Eye Tracker Manager: /opt/TobiiProEyeTrackerManager/TobiiProEyeTrackerManager

Calibrate the device


Run the example code

cd example

gcc main.cpp -o main -pthread /usr/lib/tobii/libtobii_stream_engine.so


Example test

You will see how the tracker captures the position of the screen you are looking at

Test env:

SO: Ubuntu 18.10 x86_64 Cinnamon 4.18.0-17-generic

Tracker: Tobii