
Html compression as middleware and view decorators.

Primary LanguagePython


This module is a django conversion of CheckoutableTemplates Zope package: http://zope.org/Members/peterbe/CheckoutableTemplates

The slimmer is taken directly from the Zope package, with django middleware and a view decorator added.

The slimming process takes html and removes whitespace, optimizes inline css, removes oneline comments. The end result can be a significant file size reduction even after the page is served with gzip compression.


sudo easy_install django-slimmer

Install middleware


Or you can use a view decorator to compress specific views

from slimmer.decorator import compress_html

def browse(request):
    context = RequestContext(request,{})
    return render_to_response('browse.html',context)

Using the slimmer directly

from slimmer import slimmer
compressed = slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(html)