
Transformation, web frontend, and API for the hbz catalog as LOD

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Transform Alma MARC-XML to JSON for Elasticsearch indexing with Metafacture, serve API and UI with Play Framework.

Aleph MAB-XML was supported up to tag `0.5.0`.

This repo replaces the lobid-resources part of https://github.com/lobid/lodmill.

For information about the Lobid architecture and development process, see http://hbz.github.io/#lobid.


Prerequisites: Java 11, Maven 3; verify with mvn -version

Create and change into a folder where you want to store the projects:

  • mkdir ~/git ; cd ~/git

Build lobid-resources:

  • git clone https://github.com/hbz/lobid-resources.git
  • cd lobid-resources
  • mvn clean install

Build the web application:

  • cd web
  • wget http://downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.10/typesafe-activator-1.3.10-minimal.zip
  • unzip typesafe-activator-1.3.10-minimal.zip
  • ./activator-1.3.10-minimal/bin/activator test

See the .github/workflows/build.yml file for details on the CI config used by Github Actions.

Eclipse setup

Replace test with other Play commands, e.g. "eclipse with-source=true" (generate Eclipse project config files, then import as existing project in Eclipse), ~ run (run in test mode, recompiles changed files on save, use this to keep your Eclipse project in sync while working, make sure to enable automatic workspace refresh in Eclipse: Preferences > General > Workspace > Refresh using native hooks or polling).


Copy web/conf/resources.conf_template to conf/resources.conf and configure that file to your need.

Use "start 8000" to run in production background mode on port 8000 (hit Ctrl+D to exit logs). To restart a production instance running in the background, you can use the included restart.sh script (configured to use port 8000). For more information, see the Play documentation.

Example of getting the data

In the online test the data is indexed into a living elasticsearch instance.
This instance is only reachable within our internal network, thus this test
must be executed manually. Then elasticsearch can be looked up like this:


For querying it you can use the elasticsearch query DSL, like:


Developer instructions

This section explains how to make a successful build after changing the transformations,
how to update the JSON-LD and its context, and how to index the data.

Changing transformations

After changing the fix the build must be executed:

mvn clean install

Two possible outcomes:

  • BUILD SUCCESS: the tested resources don’t reflect the changes.
    In this case you should add an Alma-MARC-XML resource to src/test/resources/alma-fix/ that would reflect your changes.
  • BUILD FAILURE: the newly generated data isn’t equal to the test resources.
    This is a good thing because you wanted the change.

Doing mvn test -DgenerateTestData=true the test data is generated and also updated in the filesystem.
These new data will now act as the template for sucessful tests. So, if you would rebuild now, the build will pass successfully.
You just must approve the new outcome by committing it.

Now you must approve the new outcome.
Let’s see what has changed:

git status

Let’s make a diff on the changes, e.g. all JSON-LD documents:

git diff src/test/resources/alma-fix/

You can validate the generated JSON-LD documents with the provided schemas:

cd src/test/resources; bash validateJsonTestFiles.sh

If you are satisfied with the changes, go ahead and add and commit them:

git add src/test/resources/alma-fix/; git commit

Do this respectivly for all other test files (Ntriples …).
If you’ve added and commited everything, check again if all is ok:

mvn clean install

This should result in BUILD SUCCESS. Push your changes.

Check if the play tests work, e.g.:

cd web; sbt "test:testOnly *IntegrationTest"

If that fails, check the tests. Most of the time the “fix” is to update the test
as new data introduce more/less hits.
Then, at last:

You’re done :)

Tables as gitsubmodules

Some lookup tables are provided through gitsubmodules.
To initialize the submodules do git submodule update --init --remote.
To make a git pull also
update these tables you can e.g. do git config --local submodule.recurse true once and git submodule update --recursive --remote after every git pull ! This is necessary
to be on the HEAD of the master of the submodules.

Propagate the context.json to lobid-resources-web

The generated context.jsonld is automatically written to the proper directory
so that it is automatically deployed when the web application is deployed.

When the small test set is indexed by using buildAndETLTestAlmaFix.sh deploy your branch in
the staging directory of the web application. The context for the resources is adapted
to use the “staging.lobid.org”-domain and thus the staging-context.jsonld will resolve using the one in that directory.

Elasticsearch index

We use the plugin org.xbib.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-plugin-bundle:
Follow the installation guide for this plugin.

Have a look at the maintaining guide.


Eclipse Public License: http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html