
Just another irc bot

Primary LanguagePerl


Just another irc bot
Current version: v0.1.3

Help menu

- w1r3b0t v0.1
- coded by @hc0d3r
- legend: x ~> admin functions  0 ~> normal user functions
- function list:
- x !exit --- exit bot
- x !join --- join chan(s) -> !join #chan1 ...
- x !leave --- leave chan(s), -> !leave, !leave #chan1 ...
- x !show_adms --- return list of current admins
- x !give_adm --- give adm privilege to users, !give_adm user1 ...
- x !jobs --- display works in background
- x !kill --- kill process by id, !kill 12345
- x !system --- execute commands in the local machine, !system id;pwd;ls
- 0 !port --- check if port is open, !port 12345 ...
- 0 !help --- display functions help

Add more functions

Add functions in w1r3bot is very simple

You can add your own functions editing the file w1r3bot.pl and including line of codes in the following way:

    cmd => "!COMAND",
    description => "A description for help menu",
    admin => 0, # if admin access is required or not (boolean)
    function => \&function_name,
    background => 1 # set if function will work in another process or not (boolean)

When the function as called the follow parameters are passed:

my($bot_class,$user,$host,$chan,$parameters) = @_;

# $bot_class is w1r3bot class
# $user is the name of user that send the command
# $host is the hostname info of user
# $chan is the channel to response
# $parameters is the parameters after the command


    cmd => "!test",
    description => "test command",
    admin => 0,
    function => \&test_function,
    background => 1

sub test {
    my($bot_class,$user,$host,$chan,$parameters ) = @_;
    $bot_class->xsend("PRIVMSG $chan :user-> $user | host-> $host | chan-> $chan | parameters-> $parameters\r\n");
    sleep 50;