
Geostatistical Python toolbox

Primary LanguagePython


I wish to present "geostatpy" a geostatistical python toolbox.

The aims are to implement a fully python-numpy-scipy geostatistical toolbox. Despite there are several libraries, there is not one implemented in python (in my knowledge).

In this first version I implemented the following:

  • Kriging simple and ordinary
  • Variogram models with spherical and exponential structures
  • Block model, puntual and cross validation
  • 3D and 2D data set
  • Isotropy and anisotropy for variogram models and searching criteria

Some python features

  • Standard libraries used: Numpy and Scipy
  • Vectorized matrix operations
  • No c/c++/fortran dependencies

This a toolbox for begginers, students and python lovers, so I am not resposible for any mistake. If you report any mistake I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Just send me an email at exequiel.sepulveda@gmail.com
