
prototype for a backbone.js based offline usable webapp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

prototype of an offline usable web app

this is a prototype of a simple architecture for content-heavy web apps with the ability to work offline. Its based on backbone.js with a dependency on jQuery. This could easily switched with Zepto though. Its written in CoffeScript. The project was build by using the glorious brunch.io building environment.

The app initializes itself out of one json-file. This json contains all the data for the different pages. Nothing is stored to localStorage or websql/indexedDb, the caching is based on appCache only right now. This is done by a reference to the manifest.php file. It dynamically creates a manifest file used by the browser to cache all files needed.

There is no intelligent update mechanism. The appCache is updated only if a refresh is performed AND there are changes on the files. Then often all files are downloaded again (weak file-caches in some browsers).

Next versions should implement a way to check for and load updates on model-level.