
The stratosphere testing framework is mean to help in the researching and verification of the behavioral models used by the Stratoshpere IPS.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Stratosphere Testing Framework

The [Stratosphere Testing Framework] stf (stf) is a network security research framework to analyze the behavioral patterns of network connections in the Stratosphere Project. Its goal is to aid researchers find new malware behavior, to label those behaviors, to create their traffic models and to verify the detection algorithms. Once the best malware behavioral models are created and verified, they will be used in the Stratosphere IPS for detection. Stf works by using machine learning algorithms on the behavioral models.

The goal of the Stratosphere Project is to create a behavioral IPS (Intrusion Detection System) that can detect and block malicious behaviors in the network. As part of this project, the stf is used to generate highly confident models of malicious traffic by allowing an automated verification of the detection performance.

The current features of the alpha release of stf are:

  1. Management of datasets.
    • Load pcap files (including large pcap files of more than 5GB).
    • Load biargus files.
    • Load binetflow files (text flows files from argus).
    • Load PE executable files.
    • Add notes to datasets.
    • Give info about the files (md5, capinfos integration, amount of packets in time, etc).
  2. Extract the network connections (4-tuples connections that ignore the source port)
  3. Generate the behavioral models of each connection.
  4. Assist the analyst in identifying those models by:
    • Visualizing the payload in the traffic.
    • Plotting histograms on the features of the models.
    • Visualizing the behavioral models.
    • Adding notes to the models.
  5. Interactive console of commands with auto completion.
  6. Option to use a local database or a remote distributed database.
  7. Concurrency of several instances of stf simultaneously on the same database (local or remote). Which allows several researchers working on the same dataset.

Installation and Dependencies

First clone the git repository and cd into it. Before installing stf, you need to install some dependencies. So far the stf program is designed to work on Linux environments. You can use the pip program to install the dependencies:

sudo pip install -r dependencies.txt

Or you can install them by hand

  • prettytable: apt-get install python-prettytable
  • transaction: apt-get install python-transaction
  • zodb: apt-get install python-zodb

You also need to have argus (and argus clients tools) installed. This is for generating the netflows from the traffic.

  • argus http://qosient.com/argus/dev/argus-latest.tar.gz
  • argus-clients http://qosient.com/argus/dev/argus-clients-latest.tar.gz

Optionally, if you want to also use the histogram commands (which give you awesome ascii-art histogram of the data) you need to install manually the program https://github.com/philovivero/distribution.

Then you are ready to use stf.py!

The meaning of the Behavioral Models

The core of the Stratosphere IPS is composed of what we called network behavioral models and detection algorithms. The behavioral models represent what a specific connection does in the network during its life time. The behavior is constructed by analyzing the periodicity, size and duration of each flow. Based on these features each flow is assigned a letter and the group of letters characterize the behavior of the connection. The criteria to assign the letters is the following:

For example, the connection identified with the 4-tuple, that was assigned the label From-Botnet-V1-TCP-CC12-HTTP had the following behavioral model:


This chain of states that we call the behavioral model highlight some of the characteristics of the C&C channel. In this case it tell us that that flows are highly periodic (letters ‘h’, ‘i’), with some lost periodicity near the beginning (letters ‘y’). The flows also have a large size with a medium duration. The symbols between the letters are related with the time elapsed between flows. In this case the '*' symbol means that the flow are separated by less than one hour. Looking at the letters it can be seen that this is a rather periodic connection, and efectively checking its flows we confim that hipotesis. Using these type of models we are able to generate the behavioral characteristics of a large number of malicious actions.

For more details on the behavioral models see Research Publications.

How to use the stf program

To start using the program you just need to execute it:


And you should see something like

    Stratosphere Testing Framework
             _    __ 
            | |  / _|
         ___| |_| |_ 
        / __| __|  _|
        \__ \ |_| |  
    ... |___/\__|_|  ...

[*] Amount of experiments in the DB so far: 0
[*] Amount of datasets in the DB so far: 0
[*] Amount of groups of connections in the DB so far: 0
[*] Amount of groups of models in the DB so far: 0
[*] Amount of notes in the DB so far: 0
stf >


We will exemplify here a common session of stf.

  • Getting help
test: stf > help
| Command     | Description                                                 |
| clear       | Clear the console                                           |
| connections | Manage the connections. A dataset should be selected first. |
| database    | Manage the database.                                        |
| datasets    | Manage the datasets                                         |
| exit        | Exit                                                        |
| experiments | List or switch to existing experiments                      |
| help        | Show this help message                                      |
| info        | Show information on the opened experiment                   |
| models      | Manage the models. A dataset should be selected first.      |
| notes       | Manage the notes.                                           |
test: stf >
  • Load a pcap file
stf > dataset -c /tmp/test/test-1.pcap
The name of the dataset or 'Enter' to use the name of the last folder:
[*] Added file /tmp/test/test-1.pcap to dataset test
[*] Dataset test added with id 0.
test: stf >
  • Listing of datasets (after creating a dataset, that dataset is selected by default)
test: stf > datasets -l
[*] Datasets Available:
| Dataset Name | Id | Added Time          | Main File Name | Main File Creation Time  | Folder     | Current | Note  |
| test         | 0  | 2015-03-06 20:20:44 | test1.pcap     | Mon May 31 00:44:43 2010 | /tmp/test/ | True    | False |
test: stf >
  • Listing the files in the dataset
test: stf > datasets -f
[*] Getting information about the files... please wait
[*] Files Available in Dataset test:
| File Name   | Id | Creation Time            | Size             | Type |
| test-1.pcap | 0  | Fri Mar  6 20:25:18 2015 | 37.7940015793 MB | pcap |
test: stf >
  • Detailed information about the pcap
test: stf > datasets -F 0
[*] Information of file name test-1.pcap with id 0
| Key               | Value                                    |
| Type              | pcap                                     |
| Creation Time     | Fri Mar  6 20:25:18 2015                 |
| Size              | 37.7940015793 MB                         |
| SHA1              | 7997d7087752ccce621b5f427960b13347d983a1 |
| Number of packets | 83 k                                     |
| Start time        | 2010-05-30 19:03:41                      |
| End time          | 2010-05-30 20:55:52                      |
| Capture duration  | 1:52:11                                  |
| MD5               | 06bbdac7b682356ecde602e5eeab8e78         |
| Time Range (secs) | Amount of Packets                        |
| 0 <>  300         | 2731                                     |
| 300 <>  600       | 8003                                     |
| 600 <>  900       | 6544                                     |
| 900 <> 1200       | 7717                                     |
| 1200 <> 1500      | 7815                                     |
| 1500 <> 1800      | 7638                                     |
| 1800 <> 2100      | 3016                                     |
| 2100 <> 2400      | 7728                                     |
| 2400 <> 2700      | 12799                                    |
| 2700 <> 3000      | 10981                                    |
| 3000 <> 3300      | 7132                                     |
| 3300 <> 3600      | 143                                      |
| 3600 <> 3900      | 185                                      |
| 3900 <> 4200      | 145                                      |
| 4200 <> 4500      | 111                                      |
| 4500 <> 4800      | 101                                      |
| 4800 <> 5100      | 155                                      |
| 5100 <> 5400      | 17                                       |
| 5400 <> 5700      | 8                                        |
| 5700 <> 6000      | 17                                       |
| 6000 <> 6300      | 0                                        |
| 6300 <> 6600      | 1                                        |
| 6600 <> Dur       | 651                                      |
test: stf >
  • Generating the biargus file and the binetflows file
test: stf > datasets -g
[] Generating the biargus file.
[] Added file /tmp/test/test-1.biargus to dataset test
[] Generating the binetflow file.
[] Added file /tmp/test/test-1.binetflow to dataset test
test: stf >
  • Listing the groups of files in the dataset
test: stf > datasets -f
[] Getting information about the files... please wait
[] Files Available in Dataset test:
| File Name        | Id | Creation Time            | Size              | Type      |
| test-1.pcap      | 0  | Fri Mar  6 20:25:18 2015 | 37.7940015793 MB  | pcap      |
| test-1.biargus   | 1  | Fri Mar  6 20:49:27 2015 | 0.379196166992 MB | biargus   |
| test-1.binetflow | 2  | Fri Mar  6 20:49:27 2015 | 0.302586555481 MB | binetflow |
test: stf >
  • Adding a note to the dataset (your default editor will be open)
test: stf > datasets -n 0
test: stf >
  • Generating the connections
test: stf > connections -g
test: stf >
  • Listing the groups of connections
test: stf > connections -l
[] Groups of Connections Available:
| Id of Group of Connections | Dataset Id | Filename                   | Amount of Connections |
| 0                          | 0          | /tmp/test/test-1.binetflow | 446                   |
test: stf >
  • Listing the connections
test: stf > connections -L 0
  • Listing the connections with a filter (less -R will be used to show the connections. See the Tips section at the bottom)
test: stf > connections -L 0 -f flowamount>20
| Connection Id | Amount of flows |       | 93        | 54        | 21         | 33
Amount of connections printed: 4
test: stf > 
  • Generating the models
test: stf > models -g
test: stf >
  • Listing the groups of models
test: stf > models -l
[] Groups of Models
| Group of Model Id | Amount of Models | Dataset Id | Dataset Name |
| 0-1               | 446              | 0          | test         |
test: stf >
  • Listing all the models (less -R will be used to show the models)
test: stf > models -L 0-1
test: stf >
  • Listing the models with a filter (less -R will be used to show the models). This is a very important command, since it show the behavioral model that are the core of the stf program.
test: stf > models -L 0-1 -f name=6-80-tcp
 Note | Model Id | State |
[   ] |        | 99+Z.Z.Z.
[   ] |        | 99.Z+Z.Z+Z.Z.I.I.Z.Z+
[   ] |         | 55,v,v.W+E+v+V,V+v+
[   ] |          | 8
[   ] |          | 88+
Amount of models printed: 5
test: stf >
  • Inspecting the payload that generated a model (less -R will be used to show the models). The content of the packets is captured and stored by argus. We limit the payload to 400 bytes on each direction.
test: stf > connections -F
 State: "8" TD: -1.0 T2: False T1: False        2013/04/23 17:48:39.561383,0.567582,tcp,,   ->,,80,FSPA_FSPA,0,0,15,1628,1124,s[480]=GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6
.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)..Host: wgylqqcqwovdztucwljbrkvcypbe.info..Connection: Close....GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Win
dows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Medi,d[204]=HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Date: Tue 23 Apr 2013 15:49:38 GMT..Server: Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu)..X-Sinkhole: malware-sinkhole..Vary: Accept-Encoding..Content-Length: 0..Connectio
n: close..Content-Type: text/html....,
 State: "8*" TD: -1.0 T2: 0:25:11.313436 T1: False      2013/04/23 18:13:50.874819,2.366329,tcp,,   ->,,80,FSPA_FSPA,0,0,19,2964,2460,s[480]=GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Wind
ows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)..Host: wgylqqcqwovdztucwljbrkvcypbe.info..Connection: Close....GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 
7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Medi,d[204]=HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Date: Tue 23 Apr 2013 16:14:51 GMT..Server: Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu)..X-Sinkhole: malware-sinkhole..Vary: Accept-Encoding..Content-Length: 0..C
onnection: close..Content-Type: text/html....,
 State: "y*" TD: 2.346708 T2: 0:59:06.611929 T1: 0:25:11.313436 2013/04/23 19:12:57.486748,0.859667,tcp,,   ->,,80,FSPA_FSPA,0,0,15,1628,1124,s[480]=GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7
.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)..Host: wgylqqcqwovdztucwljbrkvcypbe.info..Connection: Close....GET / HTTP/1.1..Accept: */*..Accept-Language: en-US..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatibl
e; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Medi,d[204]=HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Date: Tue 23 Apr 2013 17:13:56 GMT..Server: Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu)..X-Sinkhole: malware-sinkhole..Vary: Accept-Encoding..Content-Leng
th: 0..Connection: close..Content-Type: text/html....,
test: stf >
  • Showing the histogram of some features (T2 is one of the features of the model representing the time difference between flows)
test: stf > connections -H
Key=T2 in secs (limited to 2 decimals)
Key|Ct (Pct)    Histogram
0.0|25 (27.17%) ----------------------------------------------------------------
0.1|21 (22.83%) -----------------------------------------------------
0.2|10 (10.87%) --------------------------
0.3|10 (10.87%) --------------------------
0.4|11 (11.96%) ----------------------------
0.5|4 (4.35%)   -----------
0.6|3 (3.26%)   --------
0.7|4 (4.35%)   -----------
0.9|1 (1.09%)   ---
1.0|1 (1.09%)   ---
1.1|1 (1.09%)   ---
3.2|1 (1.09%)   ---

Key=Size in bytes
Key |Ct (Pct)    Histogram
1628|26 (83.87%) ---------------------------------------------------------------
1736|1 (3.23%)   ---
1796|2 (6.45%)   -----
2964|1 (3.23%)   ---
3132|1 (3.23%)   ---
test: stf >
  • Histogram of the lengths of the states of the models
test: stf > models -H 0-1
Key=Length of state
Key|Ct (Pct)     Histogram
1  |364 (81.61%) ---------------------------------------------------------------
2  |47 (10.54%)  ---------
3  |9 (2.02%)    --
5  |6 (1.35%)    --
7  |3 (0.67%)    -
9  |2 (0.45%)    -
13 |2 (0.45%)    -
15 |2 (0.45%)    -
19 |2 (0.45%)    -
21 |1 (0.22%)    -
23 |1 (0.22%)    -
25 |1 (0.22%)    -
37 |1 (0.22%)    -
39 |1 (0.22%)    -
41 |1 (0.22%)    -
65 |1 (0.22%)    -
107|1 (0.22%)    -
185|1 (0.22%)    -
test: stf >
  • Using several filters simultaneously
captura-i78zR: stf > models -L 1-1 -f name!=-53-udp statelength>50
 Note | Model Id | State |
[   ] |        | 88*y*y*y*H*y*y*y*y*y*y*0yy*y*H*H*h*H*H*y*y*h*y*y*y*H*i*y*I*z*
[ 12] |            | 99.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0TW.
[   ] |        | 88*y*y*i*H*H*H*y*0yy*H*H*H*y*y*y*y*H*h*y*h*h*H*H*h*H*y*y*y*H*
[  5] |            | 99.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.
[   ] |        | 88*y*y*y*H*y*0yy*y*H*H*H*y*y*y*H*h*H*y*y*y*y*H*y*H*h*H*y*y*y*
[   ] |            | 99.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0ZZ.0WW.
Amount of models printed: 6
captura-i78zR: stf >
  • Deleting connections and models. The connections and models can be deleted by id or using the filters. It is also handy to count the amount of object to delete before actually doing it, so you can be sure of what you are deleting. Command to count the connections with a filter.
captura-i78zR: stf > connections -C 1 -f flowamount<3
[] Amount of connections that match the filter: 279
captura-i78zR: stf >
  • Deleting the connections with a filter.
captura-i78zR: stf > connections -D 1 -f flowamount<3
[] Amount of connections deleted: 279
captura-i78zR: stf >
  • Listing of notes
test: stf > notes -l
[] Note 0
# This is our first note on a dataset
test: stf >
  • Deleting of notes
captura-i78zR: stf > notes -d 1
captura-i78zR: stf >
  • Editing notes (will use your default editor)
captura-i78zR: stf > notes -e 1
captura-i78zR: stf >
  • All the commands show a help menu with the parameter -h.

Changing the Configuration

By default stf will search for the configuration file in confs/stf.conf. From that file it will read where are the configuration files for the ZODB and the ZEO server if it is being used. Upon the first run, stf will create the folder ~/.stf/, containing the .stfhistory file (the history of commands). The database folder is also relative to the local folder and is by default ./database

There are two ways of using the database. Since stf is designed to be used both as single host program and as a multi-user program, it can run with a file-based database or with a server-based database. The file-based database (used by default) is suited for single user and single host environments, whereas the server-based database is suited for multi-user and remote host environments.

How to use the stf program with a file database

By default stf is using the zodb.conf file, which is prepared to use a file-based database. This means that the default zodb.conf file already includes the file server configuration. The location of the file database will be by default in ./database. You don't have to don nothing to use this configuration, it is already prepared for you.

How to use the stf with a database server

If you want to separate the database from the clients, probably to allow several users to use stf simultaneously, you need to:

1- Copy the example conf file confs/example_zodb_server_database.conf to the confs/zodb.conf file.
2- Start the database server with the command

runzeo -C confs/zeo.conf

4- Use the stf normally.

Why argus?

The argus suite was selected to generate the traffic flows because it is one of the most stable and resilient programs that can generate bidirectional flows. The bidirectional argus flows solve the problem of having to match the pair of related flows in both directions. Also, since argus uses its own binary format, it is very easy to extract new information and process it very fast.

Tips on Usage

  • When looking at the list of models or list of connections, stf uses 'less -R' to show you the information paginated. However, if you want to store the output in an external file for later analysis, you can run '! cat % > /tmp/file' from inside less and store the file to disk.
  • Everytime that stf exits, it commits the content to the database.
  • stf has a special command to inspect the database, that is called database. It can be used to commit changes to the database (database -c) or to revert the current program memory state to reflect the current state of the database (database -r). This allows for a better coordination of simultaneous researchers. Since this is an alpha release, you can have some conflicts while working simultaneously.

Advance Usage

  • stf uses ZODB as a database. This means that it uses an object-oriented database model. The main advantage of this model is that stf can be run directly on a database file (as sqlite) but also it can transparently use a remote and distributed database. Setting up a distributed database is handy for having several researchers working in the network on the same dataset. See how to set up a distributed database server above.
  • The behavioral models are constructed from the models_constructors.py file. In that file you can see the details of the behavioral models.
  • Trimming the amount of flows in a connection. Since stf stores all the flows on each connection, it may be possible that the amount of data stored in the database for a certain connection is too large (more than 25MB per connection object). In this case it is possible to trim the amount of flows in the connections to save space. This operation should be done after the creation of the models, so the behavioral state can have all the letters. An example command is:
test: stf > connections -t 0
test: stf >

You can check that this was successful by inspecting the connections with connections -L.

  • There is a feature in stf that allows it to add text automaticaly to the notes of the dataset. This feature is used to insert notes on certain important operations that is good for the researcher to remember. For example, if you trim the amount of flows in the connections, stf will add a text in the dataset note with details of this operation.
  • stf also allow you to execute bash commands by using ! as the first letter. Therefore is easy to interact with other tools, such as tcpdump, tshark or the argus clients.
  • The filters can use the following keys. For connections: flowamount and name. For models: name, statelength. The operators in the filters are: <, >, = and !=
  • The listings of models and datasets include a column with the id of the note that is related to that object. You can edit notes directly with notes -e id
  • Since the notes are stored as MarkDown text, it is nice to have some markdown support in your editor. In vi you can have nice colors and shortcuts.


  • Show more info about the model constructor
  • Show table for each model constructor
  • Implement the constructors as external modules
  • Add autotext note when I delete models or connections
  • Relate the notes with the objects they reference. So after a search you can find the object again.
  • Print the duration and size in the model -L command.
  • Filter models by duration and size, so we can delete them better.
  • Filter connectins without notes, so we don't have to see what we already analyzed.
  • Limit the amount of flows to show with connections -F so large connections can be visualized.