Assignment 5 - Databases and/or Components

Due: October 7th, by 11:59 AM.

A5 HCaouette - Cheese Graph

I attempted to use the graph database neo4j, to some amount of success. This new technology hindered the development experience for me, as it was harder to get set up than something simpler like lowdb. Overall though, I think it has a more positive impact on the final product, as the ability to use a graph database allows the developer to approach things very differently than with a regular sql database.

The database is hosted locally and I wasn't able to figure out how to get a cloud instance set up, so you won't be able to test this on your own. I am more than willing to come in and demonstrate for any member of the teaching staff that want to see what I've gotten working, but I understand if these circumstances are too much beyond what was supposed to be completed.