- aktownsREA Group
- avsmUniversity of Cambridge
- braibantLondon
- builtinnyaTokyo
- caizongchao
- cooljeaniusNH House of Representatives
- cstork
- danmeyCambridge, UK
- dcolishPortland, OR
- FranklinChenCarnegie Mellon University
- gsg
- hcarty
- hhulkko
- hkoba(freelance)
- hrzhuShanghai
- kachick127.0.0.1
- leoncamelBeijing
- little-arhat@copterust
- lojikil
- mariusaebay area, california
- minustwo
- MortalCatalystNSW, Australia
- perveziqbal
- pveber
- ramenPhoenix, AZ
- rixed@securactive
- samoht@tarides
- ShadowCreator
- smondetNew York, NY
- stevejBuoyant, Inc.
- t0yv0@Pulumi
- thelemaSan Jose, CA, USA
- UnixJunkieCompany
- xsc@futurice
- yoriyuki
- youjinbouN/A