
User documentation for Whisky

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Documentation for Whisky.

How to Contribute

  1. Clone into the repository
    git clone https://github.com/Whisky-App/whisky-book.git
  2. cd into the directory
    cd whisky-book
  3. Install rust
  4. Install mdbook and the required preprocessors
    cargo install mdbook
    cargo install mdbook-alerts
    cargo install mdbook-template
  5. You can preview changes to the book with mdbook serve --open

Adding Game Pages:

  1. Standards to uphold:

    • Ensure proper grammar, capitalization, spelling, spacing, and general professionalism. Jokes and such are allowed, but lets prioritize helping others before all else.
    • Ensure accuracy. Don't upload misleading information, false reports, guesses, or improper research.
    • Cite your sources. Found a guide from somewhere else? Found a solution or other thing online? Provide a link in your page. This isn't a requirement that's going to get your PR rejected, but simply one that future-proofs things and ensures that if a game suddenly breaks, we can check our sources and see if there are any updates to the solutions found.
  2. Create a new markdown file in ~/whisky-book/src/game-support with the name of the game

    • Format your file in all lowercase, using only alphabetical, numerical, and dash characters, and use abbreviations where possible. i.e:
    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain -> mgs-5.md
    Persona 3 Reload -> p3r.md
    Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order -> sw-fallen-order.md
    Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved -> gw3-dimensions-evolved.md
  3. Add the following template to your markdown file. Ensure the date is properly formatted, leaving zeroes if the month or day is a single digit.

    # <Full Game Name Here>
    {{#template ../templates/rating.md status=<status> date=<mm>/<dd>/<yy> installs=<Yes/No> opens=<Yes/No>}}

    If your game is a Steam game, add this text at the bottom of the page. You can find the Steam ID of a game by going to it's Steam page. It will be the number in the URL bar between /app/ and /<game name>/.

    {{#template ../templates/steam.md id=<steam_id>}}

    Ensure that you're replacing the <> tags with the proper values in order to comply with the wiki layout. Below is an example of what Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will look like, and what it will look like on the wiki.

    # Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
    {{#template ../templates/rating.md status=Gold date=07/17/23 installs=Yes opens=Yes}}
    ## Setup
    - Install in Steam as normal
    - In Whisky, find `SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe` in the Program list and run it
    {{#template ../templates/steam.md id=1172380}}
    Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 10 06 11 PM
  4. Add your game to ~/whisky-book/src/SUMMARY.md. Make sure that you insert it in the proper alphabetical order, not deleting any games. Ensure the proper spacing and indentation is followed. Here is an example with Diablo IV (Battle.net)

      - [Cyberpunk 2077](./game-support/cyberpunk-2077.md)
      - [Dark Souls III](./game-support/dark-souls-3.md)
      - [Diablo IV (Battle.net)](./game-support/diablo-4-battle-net.md)
      - [Diablo IV (Steam)](./game-support/diablo-4-steam.md)
      - [Dorfromantik](./game-support/dorfromantik.md)
  5. Add your game to ~/whisky-book/src/game-support/README.md. Follow the same standards as above.

  6. Create a pull request detailing the changes you made. Ensure that it's consise, yet readable and coherent.

    • You will need to create a fork of whisky-book and push your changes there before creating a PR. Once you've done that, then you can submit a PR to merge your fork with main.
  7. Sit back, wait for PR reviews, and make changes as necessary.

Have any questions about this process or anything Whisky-related? Stop by the Discord and ask us a question! We're more than happy to help.