
tiny/fast webRTC video conferencing gateway

Primary LanguageC


Welcome to the tiny-webrtc-gw readme!

tiny-webrtc-gw is a self-contained webRTC video/audio conferencing (many-to-many) server daemon for linux.

The simplest way to roll-your-own (secure) webRTC video broadcast service.

(screenshot here) screenshot

Head over to the demo!


Hot features:

  • Very low latency 1-many streaming
  • HD stream support
  • text chat room
  • highly scalable (native c/c++ code)
  • end-to-end encrypted
  • chrome/firefox/opera/safari (iOS) support
  • easy compilation (just git checkout --recursive and "make all")

Demo at https://weephone.domain17.net/


building requires 'go' to compile boringssl (so install those packages)

Make sure you checked out the websocket git submodule by checking out with --recursive or doing git submodule init ws && git submodule update ws

from the base directory just run 'make all'.

You will need to edit at least one line in config.txt so the built-in STUN server knows its own IP address (relative to the clients connecting, if you're using NAT). Go to whatismyipaddress.com and replace the udpserver_addr=x.x.x.x line with your own IP address.