Dr Warehouse - document oriented biomedical data warehouse
Pre requisite :
Oracle 11g or more, with Oracle text PHP 5.3 and + with modules :
- OCI8 - https://github.com/imagine-bdd/DRWH/wiki/How-to-install-OCI8-on-Ubuntu-18.04-and-PHP-7.2
You will need highstock (There is Non-commercial licence on their website) https://www.highcharts.com/products/highstock/ Version tested in Dr Warehouse is Highstock JS v2.0.4. The directory highstock must be in the dwh directory
Some directories must be writable for the www-user :
- json_map
- upload
- timeline/xml
and last but no least the Language Options short_open_tag into your php.ini must be 'On'
The SQL scripts for database creation are in the database directory.
Please contact Nicolas Garcelon : nicolas.garcelon@institutimagine.org Imagine Institute 24 boulevard Montparnasse 75015 Paris France
Demonstration available : http://www.drwarehouse.org/
VERSION=3.0.5-DEV Edited the 20200831131919