Deploy Microshift to Amazon Web Services (AWS) via Terraform
(Optional) Copy/rename
and fill in the information (otherwise these will be prompted on apply):mv terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Initialize and apply the Terraform configuration. Provide verification to deploy Microshift (add
to apply without user verification):terraform init && terraform apply
The Terraform output provides access credentials for the cluster. (NOTE: You can administer the cluster directly by SSH-ing to the microshift cluster, where
is already configured and logged in with the default Cluster Administrator,system:admin
To see all output:
terraform output
To see only one output (handy for copy/paste or scripts):
terraform output <variable>
To access the clusters
first get the content of kubeconfig
terraform output kubeconfig_file
and then execute the commands to get the kubeconfig content
hchenxa@huichen-mac microshift_tf % ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ec2-user@ sudo cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/ > ./kubeconfig hchenxa@huichen-mac microshift_tf % KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig oc get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready control-plane,master,worker 20m v1.26.4
To destroy the cluster and its resources:
terraform destroy