SimplyTravel is a FullStack original group project created by engineers John Huang, Jorge Bocanegra, Henry Chu and Alejandro Chang. SimplyTravel is a single page application that uses the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React/Redux and Node.js) Stack. The project was designed and built in 8 days.
SimplyTravel is a one-stop-shop traveling application that allows user to choose a place on the map around the world, based on their location, and be able to get the closest aiport, cheapest flight and most direct way to get to the specific place chosen.
- Secured backend user authentication using MongoDB Database using mLab.
- Created a database schema to define a User for registration and login purposes.
- Setup Server with Node.js and Express.js.
- Incorporated Google's Javascript Geolocation/Geocode API to be implement google maps and users location.
- Implemented multiple API calls to different providers for location data, hotels data and airport/airfare data.
- Used React as the UI library of choice for component rendering and Redux as a state management library.
Through the Google's geolocation we're able to get a specific user's location which is necessary for the functionality of this application.
In the 8 day-window for working on this project. SimplyTravel was focused on the aesthetic design, user experience and ultimately the main functionality of the application. The project was split among group members giving equal access to multiple experiences in both frontend technologies such as React, Redux and backend technologies including Node.js and Express.js.