
IBM Cloud connections customizer

Primary LanguageCSS

IBM Cloud Connections Styling v1.5.1

Getting started

The default theme of IBM Connections is not entirely in alignment with Sanquin's style guide . Luckily does IBM offer the possibility to deliver custom stylesheets.


To work on this project, you'll need the following software:

  • SCSS compiler
  • an IDE
  • Stylish (this plugin is used to test the .css files)
  • GreaseMonkey (this plugin is used to test .js files)

Project Structure

This project is structured in modules. Most modules consists of a json, sass, css and a minified css file.

|-- activities
|   |-- activities.json
|   |-- activity.scss
|   |-- activity.css
|   |-- activity.css.map
|   |-- activity.min.css
|-- communities
|   |-- communities.json
|   |-- communities.scss
|   |-- communities.css
|   |-- communities.css.map
|   |-- communities.min.css
|-- files
|   |-- files.json
|   |-- files.scss
|   |-- files.css
|   |-- files.css.map
|   |-- files.min.css


Once the changes has been pushed to the master branch, one can open a pull request. The changes will become visible when the pull request is merged.

Style guide coverage status

Section Description Status
Global General rules that applies for all sections
Communities Rules that applies only to communities
Profile The user's profile
Mycontacts Network & users overview