
Modern extensible monitoring solution

Primary LanguagePython


नागराज-भक्षकः नकुलः

This is an advanced, scalable monitoring system built with Python and Tornado. It consists of a server that collects and stores metrics, and a client that gathers and sends metrics to the server.

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  • 100% Python implementation - absolutely no PHP or other legacy languages in sight
  • Modern, from-the-ground-up design - not built on a 20-year-old core
  • Server-client architecture for distributed monitoring
  • Shared-secret signature-based communication between server and client
  • Extensible metric collection through custom Python scripts
  • All metrics are implemented natively in Python, allowing for easy customization and extension
  • PostgreSQL database for robust and scalable storage of metrics
  • In-memory queue system for efficient metric processing
  • Client-side buffering for resilience against network issues
  • Advanced data aggregation for handling thousands of hosts
  • RESTful API for fetching latest metrics and historical data
  • Automatic cleanup and aggregation of old data
  • Configurable alert system with support for downtimes
  • Interactive dashboard with real-time updates
  • URL-based host selection for easy sharing and bookmarking
  • Host tagging system for better organization
  • Admin interface for managing clients and uploading new metrics
  • Data simulation tool for testing and development
  • Flexible data management, including the ability to selectively delete metrics when needed
  • Pure Python implementation, making it easy to understand, modify, and extend the entire system
  • Dynamic metric selection with perioid rediscovery and remote or local configuration
  • End-to-end monitoring including Selenium, Autoit, PyAutoGUI supporting elements, positional clicking, bitmap synchronization (OCR)


  • Python 3.7+
  • Tornado web framework
  • PostgreSQL database
  • psycopg2-binary (PostgreSQL adapter for Python)
  • Chart.js (for dashboard visualizations)


  1. Clone this repository or download the source files.
  2. Install the required packages:
    pip install tornado psycopg2-binary
  3. Ensure you have PostgreSQL installed and running.


  1. Server Setup:

    • Create a server_config.json file with your database and server settings.
    • Run the server using: python server.py
  2. Client Setup:

    • Create a metrics directory in the same location as client.py
    • Add custom Python scripts to the metrics directory for each metric you want to collect
    • Configure client_config.json with appropriate settings (see Configuration section)
    • Run the client using: python client.py


Client Configuration

Update your client_config.json file to include the following new fields:

    "client_id": "",
    "server_url": "http://localhost:8888",
    "default_interval": 60,
    "metrics_dir": "./metrics",
    "secret_key": "your_secret_key",
    "active_metrics": ["cpu_usage", "memory_usage", "disk_usage"],
    "metric_intervals": {
        "cpu_usage": 30,
        "memory_usage": 60,
        "disk_usage": 300
    "tags": {
        "environment": "production",
        "role": "webserver"
  • active_metrics: List of metrics that should be collected. Only metrics in this list will be gathered and sent to the server.
  • metric_intervals: Custom collection intervals for specific metrics (in seconds). If not specified, the default_interval will be used.

Adding Custom Metrics

  1. Create a new Python file in the metrics directory (e.g., custom_metric.py).

  2. Implement a collect() function that returns the metric value:

    def collect():
        metrics = {}
        # Handling system_1
            metrics["system_1"] = {
                "value": 123
        except Exception as e:
            metrics["system_1"] = {
                "value": None,
                "message": f"UnexpectedError: {str(e)}"
        # Handling system_2
            metrics["system_2"] = {
                "value": 456
        except Exception as e:
            metrics["system_2"] = {
                "value": None,
                "message": f"UnexpectedError: {str(e)}"
        return metrics
  3. Add the metric name to the active_metrics list in client_config.json.

Enabling/Disabling Metrics

To enable or disable metrics without restarting the client:

  1. Update the active_metrics list in client_config.json.
  2. The client will automatically detect the change and adjust its metric collection accordingly on the next update cycle.



Access the dashboard at http://localhost:8888/dashboard. Features include:

  • Real-time metric visualizations
  • Host selection with URL-based sharing
  • Alert configuration and management
  • Downtime scheduling

Admin Interface

Access the admin interface at http://localhost:8888/admin. Features include:

  • Client configuration management
  • Metric script uploading
  • Host tag management
  • Active metric configuration

API Endpoints

  • GET /: Check if the server is running
  • POST /metrics: Submit metrics (used by the client)
  • GET /fetch/latest: Get the latest metrics for all hosts
  • GET /fetch/history/<hostname>/<metric_name>: Get historical data for a specific metric
  • GET /fetch/hosts: Get a list of all hosts
  • POST /alert_config: Configure alerts
  • POST /alert_state: Update alert state
  • GET /downtime: Get downtime information
  • POST /downtime: Schedule a downtime
  • GET /fetch/recent_alerts: Get recent alerts
  • POST /aggregate: Trigger manual data aggregation
  • POST /remove_host: Remove a host from the system
  • POST /update_tags: Update tags for a host
  • GET /client_config: Fetch client configuration
  • POST /client_config: Register or update client configuration

Commercial Use

Nakulos is available for commercial use under a separate commercial license. Companies interested in using Nakulos for their monitoring needs can contact us at cyphernormie@gmail.com to discuss pricing and support options. We offer flexible plans tailored to the specific requirements of businesses of all sizes.

Benefits of the commercial plan include:

  • Priority support and dedicated account management
  • Access to additional enterprise features and integrations
  • SLA guarantees for uptime and performance
  • Assistance with setup, migration, and customization
  • Option for on-premises or private cloud deployment

Please note that commercial use of Nakulos without a valid commercial license is not permitted under the open-source license detailed below.


  • If metrics are not being collected, check the active_metrics list in your client configuration.
  • Ensure that all custom metric scripts have a collect() function.
  • Check the client logs for any errors related to metric collection or script loading.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

For more details about this license, please visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/