Cake is a C23 compiler frond end written from scratch in C.
The compiler can be used to translate new versions of C (like C23) to C99.
It also can be used to try out new features for the C language.
Extensions like lambdas, defer and more were implemented.
This is the best way to try.
- C23 preprocessor
- syntax analisys
- semantic analisys
- c backend
- Builds AST
Open the Developer Command Prompt of visual studio. Go to the src directoy and type
cl build.c && build
This will build cake.exe
Got to the src
directory and type:
gcc build.c -o build && ./build
To run unit tests windows/linux add -DTEST
for instance:
gcc -DTEST build.c -o build && ./build
emscriptem is required.
First do the normal build.
The normal build also generates a file lib.c
that is the amalgameted version of the "core lib".
Then at ./src
dir type:
call emcc -DMOCKFILES "lib.c" -o "Web\cake.js" -s WASM=0 -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_CompileText']" -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS="['ccall', 'cwrap']"
This will generate the cake.js
Make sure cake is on your system path.
cake source.c
this will ouput ./out/source.c
See Manual
- Complete semantic analisys
- Static analysis
- Backend, maybe qbe QBE
A copy of each C standard draft in included in docs
folder. The parser is based on C23.
- Typescript
- Small C compilers
Even if not necessary for most features, I want Cake to make a full semantic analysis.
It is necessary more work it is not complete yet.
One thing that is missing is check for type compatibility for instance when calling a function void F(int i) with F(1.2);
I am using Visual Studio 2022 IDE to write/debug cake source. Cake is parsing itself using
the includes of MSVC and it generates the out
dir after build.
Cake source code is not using any extension so the output is the same of input. This compilation is usefull for tracking errors.
Cake uses unit tests that are called automatically.