NOVA is a tool for annotating and analyzing behaviours in social interactions. It supports Annotators using Machine Learning already during the coding process. Further it features both, discrete labels and continuous scores and a visuzalization of streams recorded with the SSI Framework.
- abdoelaliCentrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
- asansari
- baothienpp
- benbuleongEducational Testing Service
- BenJason2016
- bulkasari
- ChristianFrisson@Ansys
- codinguncutSensatus Ltd.
- cotcotquedecParis
- dcaravanaCrowd Emotion Ltd
- FernandoHidalg0xyborg AI
- finger563Nashville
- gustavorpsBrazil
- hbtech-aiHbtech
- J0hnG4ltSpain
- jposorgetzenai.com
- lulzzz
- orf53975
- paritosh-guptaCopyCat.dev
- parsoj
- pavoldeckyDescartes System Group
- psxjpm
- shelm
- sibsfinxBelgrade
- smrjansTalentica
- SpadedotSChina
- sxhfutHefei University of Technology
- taha7ussein007_VOIS
- theotheo@rudemath
- ThomasSmith3The University of Nottingham
- tibhar940Moscow
- tobiasbaur@hcmlab
- TuyenNguyenTanViet
- tzvsiSan Francisco, CA
- xiaoping0xpj
- zedavidSemasio