In-memory lock-free rate limiter for playframework. Backed by Caffeine for cache and Bucket4j-core for TokenBucket implementation.
To start using, just import
libraryDependencies ++= "org.hcoa" % "play-ratelimiter" % <version>
available two options:
- RateLimiter as play action filter -
, e.g. to create an Ip rate-limiter action filter for 10 requests per second would like:
import org.hcoa.playratelimiter.PlayRateLimiter
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
val capacity: Long = 10
val period: FiniteDuration = 1.second
val rateLimiterFilter = PlayRateLimiter.createFilter[String](capacity, period, req => req.remoteAddress)
Note: ensure that you have a client IP in a Request.remoteAddress, docs link here TODO
For example, simple IP rate limiter with no more than 10 requests per 100 milliseconds, and maximum elements to store in-memory:
val rateLimiter = new InMemoryRateLimiter[String](
10_000) // max amount of elements to store in the cache
(of course the number might heavily differ for your use-cases, estimate size of elements by: max_amount * (keySize + valueSize)