
Simple maven plugin for classycle

Primary LanguageJava


Simple maven plugin for classycle


mvn classycle:analyse

to generate an xml report within the target directory.


mvn classycle:check

to check a project against a set of rules.

Classycle rules can be supplied via a file specified with the dependencyDefinitionFile tag, or embedded in the pom e.g

					show allResults
					check absenceOfPackageCycles > 1 in com.example*

				<!-- This can be classycle.dependency.DefaultResultRenderer 
					for text (the default if omitted) or 
					classycle.dependency.XMLResultRenderer for xml -->

If both a file and an embedded definition are supplied, the file will be used.

By default a violation will break the build - details of violations are written to checkresults.txt

Configuration options are supported based on the classycle ant task.



  • Support XML output
  • Rename plugin to enable unqualified classycle:check syntax


  • Support for Java 6.
  • Support for ${project.reporting.outputEncoding}


  • Support for embedded dependency defintions.


  • Initial release