
Manage the auth and registration easily with class based views

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Django app to manage frontend users login/logout and registration process, build with class based views and Twitter Bootstrap.



  • 0.2 (December 26th, 2020): Django 3.0 compatibility check.
  • 0.1beta (December 31th, 2013): Spanish localization added.

Quick start

  1. Install it with pip in your env:
pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/hcosta/django-easyregistration#egg=registration
  1. Add registration to your INSTALLED_APPS settings:
    # ...
  1. Include the registration URLconf in your project urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
    # ...
	path('accounts/', include('registration.urls')),
  1. Configure your preferred URLS in registration/config.py file.

  2. Start the development server: